Stop in for a cup of coffee

Too bad you aren't closer. THere are 3 or 4 good shops within a hour or so from here. One shop about 10 min away from stock to race with a dyno. Here's their price sheet.

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Thanks Mike. Yes, I was using that as a comparison to start with. One place wasn't bad. Shop cost is $85/hr
WV, i would try to find some mopar racers in your area and get a recommendation of a shop.. there are tons of small old school shops that you never hear bout til you look

I've asked the question in the Regional threads...but I think people out here hide their machine and engine guys like fishermen hide their secret spots. :rolleyes:
Morning .

A&A has done it for a couple of people... but it's not simple and not cheap.

I don't see the point either.
The only real point is a reduction in power loss. I could see the gain on the drag strip, but beyond that, there’s no point.
I've asked the question in the Regional threads...but I think people out here hide their machine and engine guys like fishermen hide their secret spots. :rolleyes:
I think I’ll go pull that valve body for you over the weekend.
After I put up that pic of Twig Zeigler's '33 this morning I got nostalgic since we saw him frequently at the nitro match races here in SoCal in the 70s and found
An hour long but very amusing to watch
Go to start buddy’s truck that we just put a fuel pump in. No go, started and stalled. Fuel pump quit. FFS!!
And its in my way.
You need one of these Frank....

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OMG!! that reminds me of a story. When I was in the Navy, I was TAD to a helicopter squadron, Sikorsky SH3H. To move those you attach a tow bar to the single rear wheel. And to tow them we used similar but different tow tractors, real heavy, real low geared, REAL LOW. And a ford 302 engine, with a governor . When I was in charge of the mid watch, a few of us hot rodders would get 4 or 5 tractors out on the apron, and remove the governors, and race them! now, they weren't real fast, BUT got rolling right now!! Any way, when finished put governors back on. WELL one day, a certain dick head lieutenant, was going to beat the rush and get a bird he was scheduled to fly, to the flight line early. He has no business moving the birds, AT ALL!!! He got on a tractor, one that everyone liked because it was just a little bit quicker then the rest. Hooked up the tow bar, to the rear wheel, Gunned it to take off. Well, someone forgot to put the governor back on. Off it goes, With the birds wheel firmaly attached to the tow bar, BUT no bird!! It had ripped off the wheel!!! OMG!! No more races after that!!! **** hits fan in a big way.