Stop in for a cup of coffee

I did not back read the week we had all the medical drama, did Chin make a rat killing on her nail painting venture at Carlisle?
Yes , I know about all the medical issues. Praise the Lord your Daughter is getting better each day. Chin had 13 customers in 4 days at Carlisle . Yup, she made as much money as I did selling my old crap.... :lol:
Thought about working on the Duster. Moved it in front of the garage. Now the wasps are swarming. Must be in it. Guess that ain't happening. Wife just hung a freshly baited wasp trap near it. Maybe in a few days... Probably just as well. My lleg is still pretty sore where that cramp knotted up.
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Though about working on the Duster. Moved it in front of the garage. Now the wasps are swarming. Must be in it. Guess that ain't happening. Wife just hung a freshly baited wasp trap near it. Maybe in a few days... Probably just as well. My lleg is still pretty sore where that cramp knotted up.

Wasps are annoying...
The buddy came and paid for and hauled off the car trailer AND I finally got that breakfast I was thinking about three and a half hours ago. Waiting for it to get a little hotter (haha) and go hit some golf balls and then maybe hit the pool.
Driver side not nearly as bad. The sheet metal is still pretty stout

Going a little different route. Some grinding and steel cup brush. Then hit it with Eastwood rust converter.... let it cure, then rust encapsulator. 48 hours to cure, then I'll weld a reinforcing plate and replace the damaged inner fender sheet metal.


Driver side not nearly as bad. The sheet metal is still pretty stout

Going a little different route. Some grinding and steel cup brush. Then hit it with Eastwood rust converter.... let it cure, then rust encapsulator. 48 hours to cure, then I'll weld a reinforcing plate and replace the damaged inner fender sheet metal.

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Good idea Chris.
Worked out, fixed some railroad ties, cleaned up the garage and workbench, took care of cutting up a pine tree and throwing it on the brush pile………..thinking I am done for the day
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I am on my third set of clothes today. I think I am done. Stinking hot so I sprayed weeds. Three tanks worth. Spot spraying sucks. I much prefer hooking four wheeler up to spray rig and letting it chase me. Getting all the junk out of shop and up the hill to the big house. Garage now has goat paths! But shop is opening up. I have to create some room for mill and lathe. Got a couple shelves hung with leftovers from house construction.

Soo.. here is a perfect glimpse into how my life works... not much to do today, decided time to start getting interior **** done.. i get the carpet fitted, went great.. took my time.. I have to drill 2 holes to mount the gas pedal... ******* drill grabs a thread and unweaves the carpet...
I swear no matter how much i spend or how nice i try to make something, i will always **** it up.

I need new sill plates.. but at 300+ a pair.. that's gonna be much later

Soo.. here is a perfect glimpse into how my life works... not much to do today, decided time to start getting interior **** done.. i get the carpet fitted, went great.. took my time.. I have to drill 2 holes to mount the gas pedal... ******* drill grabs a thread and unweaves the carpet...
I swear no matter how much i spend or how nice i try to make something, i will always **** it up.

I need new sill plates.. but at 300+ a pair.. that's gonna be much later

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I think all of us have made that mistake in the past. What I have found works best, is take a large strait handled awl and heat it with a torch or propane torch. Use the awl to burn through the carpet and into the hole , without unravelling the carpet... :thumbsup:
I think all of us have made that mistake in the past. What I have found works best, is take a large strait handled awl and heat it with a torch or propane torch. Use the awl to burn through the carpet and into the hole , without unravelling the carpet... :thumbsup:
hahha yup.. that's exactly how i thought of doing it once i saw the carpet.... too late.. god i hate floor mats.. will find a nice small one to just cover behind the foot pad there :)
I am on my third set of clothes today. I think I am done. Stinking hot so I sprayed weeds. Three tanks worth. Spot spraying sucks. I much prefer hooking four wheeler up to spray rig and letting it chase me. Getting all the junk out of shop and up the hill to the big house. Garage now has goat paths! But shop is opening up. I have to create some room for mill and lathe. Got a couple shelves hung with leftovers from house construction.

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What are you spraying? I hope and pray its staying off of you, and in your area where a bunch of woods are is keeping the wind down, some of that weed killer is nasty stuff.
I think all of us have made that mistake in the past. What I have found works best, is take a large strait handled awl and heat it with a torch or propane torch. Use the awl to burn through the carpet and into the hole , without unravelling the carpet... :thumbsup:
thanks Mitch, I will do that when my carpet goes in :thumbsup:
Is being shirt worthy the same as being sponge worthy? New guy from PA is already thinking WTF these guys are a mess.
well we are all a little crazy. But this new girl knows you need to be a little crazy to tale on the project of restoring old cars. :lol:
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What’s done is done, take a Sharpie and color it in
Soo.. here is a perfect glimpse into how my life works... not much to do today, decided time to start getting interior **** done.. i get the carpet fitted, went great.. took my time.. I have to drill 2 holes to mount the gas pedal... ******* drill grabs a thread and unweaves the carpet...
I swear no matter how much i spend or how nice i try to make something, i will always **** it up.

I need new sill plates.. but at 300+ a pair.. that's gonna be much later

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I am in Bethlehem in the Lehigh Valley.
Ahhhh. My late Father ( died in 1989 ) due to Agent Orange exposure, was from Allentown. His Mom lived in Bethlehem in her later life. I lived in Allentown between 68-69 as a kid, while Dad was in Viet Nam... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: