Stop in for a cup of coffee

My Wife will be back from Viet Nam in a week or so...So I'm livin it up, eatin well..... :thumbsup:
Quick stop in. I see some are drinking fermented and distilled at the same time as coffee. LOL.
Picked up a 6 of Victory Sour Tripel. That's a pretty decent sour. Tonightg the power went out with the storms so went down to the Grain House - no no they used store grain in 1700 and 1800s. had a nice dinner of Sea Bass and a 'Colonial Ale'. Locally brewed but nothing special in my book.
Quick stop in. I see some are drinking fermented and distilled at the same time as coffee. LOL.
Picked up a 6 of Victory Sour Tripel. That's a pretty decent sour. Tonightg the power went out with the storms so went down to the Grain House - no no they used store grain in 1700 and 1800s. had a nice dinner of Sea Bass and a 'Colonial Ale'. Locally brewed but nothing special in my book.
The power outage isn’t the greatest but from the sounds of it, you made it a great evening. Hopefully the storms have passed by now.
Its a regular occurance. Top of the hill and last building on the line. The computer and hot spot were fully charged so I'm good for a bit. Unfortunately the water pressure probably won't hold up through a shower so would be nice to get power in the next hour or so. Been opening doors and windows to cool the place down. Its hardly used anymore. I'm the only one here right now.
Its a regular occurance. Top of the hill and last building on the line. The computer and hot spot were fully charged so I'm good for a bit. Unfortunately the water pressure probably won't hold up through a shower so would be nice to get power in the next hour or so. Been opening doors and windows to cool the place down. Its hardly used anymore. I'm the only one here right now.
I grew up in Bucks County and when we lost power we lost everything. No water and no cooking so I get it. Hopefully you get power back soon.
This place would remind you of some of the fancy places in Bucks. Park Service property in Somerset County NJ. Looks OK from the front. A bunch of volunteers take care of the garden. But inside its seen better days. Long story. I just rehung a window when I got in from work.

This place would remind you of some of the fancy places in Bucks. Park Service property in Somerset County NJ. Looks OK from the front. A bunch of volunteers take care of the garden. But inside its seen better days. Long story. I just rehung a window when I got in from work.

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Yes it does. There are some beautiful houses like that along the river that have gone into disrepair. It’s a shame. They were beautiful when I’d drive past when I was younger
One nice thing compared to West Philly is its about 5 deg cooler. ANd More often than not cools off at night.