Stop in for a cup of coffee

Annndd I'm back you poor souls. Just spent roughly the last 24 plus hours at my least favorite home away from home.
Had another spell like a few months ok only this time I didn't have the crew from here to help me.
So I ended up with a broken nose, cracked noggin., and a mild concussion.
Plus another blood clot in my lung. I guess the blood thinner plan isn't working.
When they started talking surgery I had enough and signed myself out.
I had already planned on Pizza tonight .So I'm going to have a Pizza party tonight with the Hash brownie lady:eek:
Take care bud. Seriously, we need ya around so listen to the docs man
I had a brief course in Biblical Numerology during my brief time in Seminary School.
Interesting stuff.
I've talked with an old friend of mine whose a retired Methodist pastor about a little of that. He's probably the most learned person of The Bible I've ever known. It's both amazing and unsurprising how all of that just kinda falls into place.
I've talked with an old friend of mine whose a retired Methodist pastor about a little of that. He's probably the most learned person of The Bible I've ever known. It's both amazing and unsurprising how all of that just kinda falls into place.
Depends on were you apply those numbers. Revelations.
End of God's promise.
Shoot people figured out numbers and geometry at least as far back as language probably earlier.
Now where the heck did I put my abacuss?
Was about to call you to see if you wanted to go up to Goschenhoppen this morning. I guess that's prob not a great idea.
Thanks . Yep I'm not going anyplace.
I have someone here that is watching over me.
Would have liked to go.
Shoot people figured out numbers and geometry at least as far back as language probably earlier.
Now where the heck did I put my abacuss?
Some won't agree, truth is all religions come from one seed.
tree of life thing.
Some won't agree, truth is all religions come from one seed.
tree of life thing.
I'm sure your right. Not my area of history but one thing is for sure. Not every one will agree on anything. LOL Especially origins of religions!
Good morning everyone. Getting ready to head to the Rockabilly show. Reshimmed the king pins on my boys car and changed the steering stabilizer mount. Still not happy with it but it doesn't bind now. Checked all the important bolts and should be good to go. Hope to leave in about 1hr to 90 min. That said maybe by noon with these 2?
Morning. Did a swap meet in another town about an hour and a half away , geez didn't buy a thing. I am getting old .:lol:
Mornin yall. Gonna be like 110-115 heat index here today. Won't be doin much today. lol
That's what the voltage will read on the 120 outlets with everyone running AC
Ironicly I'm getting out of West Philly to Perkiomenville - at least 'til early afternoon.
What's doin there? Is the big sale still Mondays? Haven't been there for many years. Was about 15min from last place I lived out there.

Good Morning
What's doin there? Is the big sale still Mondays? Haven't been there for many years. Was about 15min from last place I lived out there.
Goschenhoppen Historians Festival.
Posted about it a few weeks ago. Frid 12-8 Sat 10-5?

Off for home this morning. A little over 3 hour drive. Not bad. I hope to be home by noon.