Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey,,,,, I resemble that .....I had a C1 Corvette for 41 years...But.....I never flaunted it on this site.... :lol:
No but we knew you had it, you showed us a picture or two and we all liked it!!
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Stopped in the house to get my wallet then off to the yard waste dump across town. I have another load to get rid of then I'll be done outside for today. It's supposed to get up to 100° SUnday and upper 90's next week.

Well I'm done 2 small loads, volunteer trees and Redbud trimmed.
We have mid 100's all next week. I have a double hitter softball game Monday starting at 6:15 high is 105.
No, it won't be 105 when we play but it will be hot...lots of hydration!! Ok the good hydration I know this bunch...haha!!
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We have mid 100's all next week. I have a double hitter softball game Monday starting at 6:15 high is 105.
No, it won't be 105 when we play but it will be hot...lots of hydration!! Ok the goof hydration I know this bunch...haha!!
Rolling Rock and Shiner Bock both help. Don't they? :lol:
We Cheryl and I played golf this afternoon. Late start like 2pm and it was warm, but we had a nice breeze.
We both played very well and thought for a brief moment of playing the back nine but opted for floating in the pool always feels good.
We're meeting friends to play in the morning 7:30 t-time. With the required wife's range ball routine, we'll be there at 6:45 for warm-up.
We Cheryl and I played golf this afternoon. Late start like 2pm and it was warm, but we had a nice breeze.
We both played very well and thought for a brief moment of playing the back nine but opted for floating in the pool always feels good.
We're meeting friends to play in the morning 7:30 t-time. With the required wife's range ball routine, we'll be there at 6:45 for warm-up.
Are the Tequila Sunrises ready that early in the morning ? :lol:
When I lived in washington would take the ferry up to Vancouver and was a great trip. Vancouver use to be Gods country back then.
We did a thing, virtual tour. Flyover Canada and Flyover the Rockies. Was awesome! 3D and seats moved. Kim howled the whole time.
Tomorrow is cruise day. Within walking distance to the port from hotel.
Well we landed safely and got to my brother's house and hung out a bit. It has been a very long day. 3am our time at home. Night All
Morning everyone stopping by for a quick cup or two of coffee to get the body going.
Hey Scott @Maxcustody like you I've always had sleep issues. My wife heard of a supplement, and I said right ok I've tried them all or so I thought. Tried it one night and got seven hours of good zzzz. I forgot it the next night and had my usual night. Took it last night and got almost eight hours.
You can pick it up at the drugstore cheap a bottle of 250mg Magnesium. You can take 400-800mg at a time and I took three tablets. Has several other body functions it helps too.
Morning everyone stopping by for a quick cup or two of coffee to get the body going.
Hey Scott @Maxcustody like you I've always had sleep issues. My wife heard of a supplement, and I said right ok I've tried them all or so I thought. Tried it one night and got seven hours of good zzzz. I forgot it the next night and had my usual night. Took it last night and got almost eight hours.
You can pick it up at the drugstore cheap a bottle of 250mg Magnesium. You can take 400-800mg at a time and I took three tablets. Has several other body functions it helps too.
I know this wasn’t meant for me but I may try this tonight. I am usually awake at by 3:30 every morning and never get a full nights sleep.
I know this wasn’t meant for me but I may try this tonight. I am usually awake at by 3:30 every morning and never get a full nights sleep.
Why sure I just wanted to share my results with the group and just called out Scott because I knew he had the same problems I had. I hope it can help you too.