Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning everyone stopping by for a quick cup or two of coffee to get the body going.
Hey Scott @Maxcustody like you I've always had sleep issues. My wife heard of a supplement, and I said right ok I've tried them all or so I thought. Tried it one night and got seven hours of good zzzz. I forgot it the next night and had my usual night. Took it last night and got almost eight hours.
You can pick it up at the drugstore cheap a bottle of 250mg Magnesium. You can take 400-800mg at a time and I took three tablets. Has several other body functions it helps too.
Thanks Craig I will check it out :thumbsup:
I know this wasn’t meant for me but I may try this tonight. I am usually awake at by 3:30 every morning and never get a full nights sleep.
And for me no morning after side effects no hang over type feelings just well rested. Who'd ever thought.
Cheryl did further reading and had found a magnesium that helps with brain boost...ok what's she telling me?? :lol:
Brain Boost?

And for me no morning after side effects no hang over type feelings just well rested. Who'd ever thought.
Cheryl did further reading and had found a magnesium that helps with brain boost...ok what's she telling me?? :lol:
Well thanks for doing the research. I will let you know how it goes for me. I’ll try anything to get some rest.
Morning everyone stopping by for a quick cup or two of coffee to get the body going.
Hey Scott @Maxcustody like you I've always had sleep issues. My wife heard of a supplement, and I said right ok I've tried them all or so I thought. Tried it one night and got seven hours of good zzzz. I forgot it the next night and had my usual night. Took it last night and got almost eight hours.
You can pick it up at the drugstore cheap a bottle of 250mg Magnesium. You can take 400-800mg at a time and I took three tablets. Has several other body functions it helps too.
Oh yea? What other body functions. I have to wake up to pee every hour
So I got a new internet provider yesterday. Watch how fast it is....I just hit send and see there it is already.
Good morning another beautiful day here. Farmers are harvesting like crazy around here and haven't found out how good the crops are yet.