Stop in for a cup of coffee

As most of you know, I got two projects going on here now. But the one that's been bothering me the most is the motorcycle. Could not get the Harley started. But finally found out that there was an electrical issue. Bad grounds and bad connections here and there. Anyhow, here's a short vid of how it all went. I think I'll just celebrate today. Maybe not do anything else. What say you??
New video by Mitch “Mekong Mitch” LeFevre
Sounds great Mitch, congrats!
Who was just talking about these? Came up on my FB. Never even though about it as a hobby in itself...
You can't really see them... but so many bees in the myrtle... it has a steady hum... you can about feel the vibration working in the flower beds underneath

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Beautiful lavender shade of flower though. You know what remains of the flower contains the seeds if you want more of the same.
Wife has the green thumb. She starts all sorts plants from seeds or cuttings them gives to friends and coworkers.
You have been in hotter places
Yes, I have!! We went out and bought the breaker circuit (the problem) and stopped for dinner. We walked out and it was 109 with a 15mph wind. I asked Cheryl if this brought back any memories and she replied it did...ugh HOT!!
Yes, I have!! We went out and bought the breaker circuit (the problem) and stopped for dinner. We walked out and it was 109 with a 15mph wind. I asked Cheryl if this brought back any memories and she replied it did...ugh HOT!!
Reach down, grab a small handful of sand, sprinkle it on your plate and give the desert the finger. Hah! As you quietly whisper to the gods that thou shall not ruin my dinner tonight!
Evening everyone, getting ready for the Mopar show in Denver tomorrow. Barracuda is cleaned up and should be ready to do a little racing.
Good evening from the State of Emergency :realcrazy:
Still clear and calm here.
any calamity up there? LA county hasn't issued anything yet, but i know it's coming down the pike.

all the cars are covered and sensitive parts moved inside. shade cloths taut, vessels turned to not catch water. gutters and downspouts clear and rain barrels ready!

bracing myself for a supermarket run later... much later... like middle of the night. hopefully it's free of ding-dongs thinking it's the end of times.
any calamity up there? LA county hasn't issued anything yet, but i know it's coming down the pike.

all the cars are covered and sensitive parts moved inside. shade cloths taut, vessels turned to not catch water. gutters and downspouts clear and rain barrels ready!

bracing myself for a supermarket run later... much later... like middle of the night. hopefully it's free of ding-dongs thinking it's the end of times.
I think our gubner declared the state of emergency so he could raise taxes :rofl: I looked at numerous weather stations way down south and they showed no rain yet. Weather geeks don't expect any activity here until tomorrow afternoon and the probability of that keeps shrinking. Just have to wait and see.