Stop in for a cup of coffee

I don't know where you guys are at but I don't see much on the radar.

I don't know where you guys are at but I don't see much on the radar.

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i'm solid LA, and it's been low clouds with that "feels like rain" all day hot and muggy southern vibe. gotten a few drops here and there, nothing prolonged or substantial. but it's damn near 9 and it's hotter and muggier than it was at 3 this afternoon.

unconvent is up the coast from santa barbara
I think there may have been some monsoonal activity in the desert and San Joaquin Valley today. Tehachape looked like it was gettin' drenched earlier this afternoon and same near Bakersfield. Big black clouds on the horizon in the Bako direction earlier.
Spent the rest of the day at Hatchers Pass. My gosh what not to love there.




Any plans for today. I just have to box up a few items to ship tomorrow that I sold here yesterday , then get the nephew to take them to the post office.
Stopping by to get my mind off work for a few.. So far nice out. Supposed to get hot for a couple days.
Any plans for today. I just have to box up a few items to ship tomorrow that I sold here yesterday , then get the nephew to take them to the post office.
Well the high here today is 106 so going to get out really early and do some yard work.
Hoping to go out to the course and get some practice in before it gets really hot.
After that probably hit the pool and cool off then come home sit in the AC for the afternoon and watch some golf.
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That's way too hot. Above body temps even nekkid!
At least I've been working in the shade most mornings and high temps were in the 80s. Humidity was a killer but can manage to push through that.
We have well above 100 through next Thursday. Monday evening, I have a double hitter softball game.
First game is 6:15 with a forecasted 105 temp. It will be interesting three hours playing in heat like that.
I guess I can have all the ice cream I want after that haha. Might be a chance they reschedule it.
We have well above 100 through next Thursday. Monday evening, I have a double hitter softball game.
First game is 6:15 with a forecasted 105 temp. It will be interesting three hours playing in heat like that.
I guess I can have all the ice cream I want after that haha. Might be a chance they reschedule it.
That would be a bummer although might be the smart move.

Short cut grass field is still a darn hot place.

Been surprise I've not been going through all three quarts of water I bring. Although two quarts was not enough most days
Hey gang...
Yes, cool start.. 53° this morning. I'll take that

One of the things I've like about working in North Jersey. But even here in Phila its nice this AM.
OK. just sent hopefully my last work related e-mail for the weekend.
That would be a bummer although might be the smart move.

Short cut grass field is still a darn hot place.

Been surprise I've not been going through all three quarts of water I bring. Although two quarts was not enough most days
Yesterday was miserable hot and humid. We started early (golf I walk) but by the time we were done it was 97 with a feel like 101. I looked like I stepped out of the shower. Of course, changing there and jumping in the pool for an hour was the best. Coming home and realizing your AC wasn't working not the best. With help of a friend, we had it running a couple hours later. It took several hours though to bring the inside temp down to 77.