Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dang my computer decided to shut down for updates...But I am back for a minute.

Good Morning Keith. Did I read somewhere that you are you looking for a pipe threader?
Be careful Hops. If you walk out past 20 feet to see if it clears you may not be able to see how to get back. I could see the Head lines now..."man lost in the fog"
I did get lost in the fog once on base in Kuwait. You could not even see the end of your arm.
I got lost in the fog on the Patuxant River on morning running a trot line for crabs. I set one buoy and ran the line out, dropped the other buoy. By the time I got turn around to run the line, I couldn't see my buoy . Took about 20 mins for me to find it. Then it was a ***** to run the first few times until the fog lifted. Did catch a bushel and a half that morning.
To get to my house there is a long incline up the side of the ridge then at the top just a slight turn to continue across the front. I like to push the Harley to the max up the hill because the pipes vibrate off of the bank. One night I hit the top at aroun 95 mph only to hit a solid wall of fog! THAT WAS SCARY!
Mornin Mitch! I love those crabs.

Yeah, I hope there running better this season. Been not so good for a few years. Mind you, I never sell any, but we like to eat them a lot. We keep the big ones and give away the rest
Have a couple of hop orders to fill and then off to the bank to get my title for the dart to send a copy to Grundys for the insurance. After that who knows my neighbor needs a hand tilling his garden so probably put the tiller on the tractor and mix up the mud. I am sure there is beer involved with it.
I have a pretty good day planned. A new Hot Rod customer wants me to come to his place , not far from here. To get his 70 T/A Challenger running so he can get to my place for some engine work and general resto stuff. Car has been sitting for a couple of years. But supposedly runs. Has the 3X2 set up on it. I'm sure I'll find something wrong there. May have to just tell him to call a flat bed to get it here. But I told him I would come and see if I can get it going without laying around on the ground. Gettin too old for that crap.
I had to celebrate my car(s) birthday yesterday.

do you know what day your car was built?

I think I have an odd set up

I have two cars that share a Bday in different years ....I say what are the odds of that?

My 68 dart was built on 4/8/68 at the Hamtramck plant ....then a whole two years later and almost across the country I have a B-body that was built 4/8/70. at the Los Angeles plant

what are the odds LOL