Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Tooltime! Catch you all later. tmm
Dang Ray Sr. #-o:pale: It's going to hit 80 degree's here today #-o a bad sign :glasses7: this could mean storms here in northeast Arkansas :banghead:
I saw that on the weather channel. I have to run I have an overdue book to take to the library! I am sure I will check back later.
Well went out to wake the chickens again and got henpecked for waking them up. Morning all!
I've been up for a while, about to go back to bed soon...

How you doing Ray?

Are you just getting back from returning the library book?
Just a bit ago. Just woke up way to early to let the pooch out.

I took a nap at 8. Then went to watch tv up front at 10 and dozed off again for a bit. The kid came in from work at 10:30...

I got up from the recliner at 1:30 and came back to my room.

I may have to reformat my hard drive and recover my whole operating system. Ever since my crash a week and a half ago, my computer will start to act funny after a while... And when I tried to work on some CAD homework, I picked the english unit template, and the dimensions are showing in mm.... WTF??? :violent1:

Then hope that I can re-download it again after recovering my system...

If I have to do it, I will post up. Just in case I get lost in cyber-space and can't get my computer back up in reasonable time, you all send the cyber-posi out to look for me in a black hole somewhere... I don't want to get stuck in cyber-space like Tron...

After that is done, then catch up on all the windows updates, and re-load all my other programs.... :banghead: :finga:

And the dog's sacked out hogging the whole bed....
I took a nap at 8. Then went to watch tv up front at 10 and dozed off again for a bit. The kid came in from work at 10:30...

I got up from the recliner at 1:30 and came back to my room.

I may have to reformat my hard drive and recover my whole operating system. Ever since my crash a week and a half ago, my computer will start to act funny after a while... And when I tried to work on some CAD homework, I picked the english unit template, and the dimensions are showing in mm.... WTF??? :violent1:

Then hope that I can re-download it again after recovering my system...

If I have to do it, I will post up. Just in case I get lost in cyber-space and can't get my computer back up in reasonable time, you all send the cyber-posi out to look for me in a black hole somewhere... I don't want to get stuck in cyber-space like Tron...

After that is done, then catch up on all the windows updates, and re-load all my other programs.... :banghead: :finga:

And the dog's sacked out hogging the whole bed....

Sounds like a fun time!
The Beagle is to old and fat to get on the bed anymore so it slides under it and snores!
A bear goes into a bar and orders a beer.
Bartender says he does not serve bears beers in here.
The bear asks again and gets the same response so he tells the bartender "see that woman over there if I do not get a beer in this bar I will eat her".
Bartender still says no the bear.
The bear rips her apart and then asks for another beer.
The bartender answers we do not serve drug addicts in this bar!
The bear says drug addict what do you mean I am not a drug addict
Yes you are that's a barbitchuate!
A bear goes into a bar and orders a beer.
Bartender says he does not serve bears beers in here.
The bear asks again and gets the same response so he tells the bartender "see that woman over there if I do not get a beer in this bar I will eat her".
Bartender still says no the bear.
The bear rips her apart and then asks for another beer.
The bartender answers we do not serve drug addicts in this bar!
The bear says drug addict what do you mean I am not a drug addict
Yes you are that's a barbitchuate!


A horse walks into a bar, the bar tender asks, "Hey buddy, why the long face?"

Oh, that was just Sarah Jessica Parker....
I'm gonna go catch a few more winks. there's a conveyor company putting on a demo at our school at 10 today. I want to see what it's about, I hear that they are hiring a couple of positions...

See what they are about and if they may be worth applying for...