Stop in for a cup of coffee

And gal's. I always feel funny about using the term "guys" to include a lady also.

kinda strange how that works ....its socially acceptable to use "guys" for a group of girls as well as a mixed group.

Yet if you call a mixed group "ladies" the men will get offended and worse yet if you call a group of men "ladies" then its a degrading insult.

I had to celebrate my car(s) birthday yesterday.

do you know what day your car was built?

I think I have an odd set up

I have two cars that share a Bday in different years ....I say what are the odds of that?

My 68 dart was built on 4/8/68 at the Hamtramck plant ....then a whole two years later and almost across the country I have a B-body that was built 4/8/70.

what are the odds LOL

Rani, I celebrated mine a few years ago with a cake. I know, kinda weird but it was fun. It's Dec. 21 and we had family over for a early Christmas. Wal Mart made the cake and transferred the photo to frosting. They have a printer for that. LOL


  • fall of 08 098.jpg
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Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
Informal. a man or boy; fellow:
He's a nice guy.
Usually, guys. Informal. persons of either sex; people:
Could one of you guys help me with this?

(I used #2) tmm
Rani, I celebrated mine a few years ago with a cake. I know, kinda weird but it was fun. It's Dec. 21 and we had family over for a early Christmas. Wal Mart made the cake and transferred the photo to frosting. They have a printer for that. LOL

you do realize that by doing this .....your coolness factor just went through the roof in my books. That is only something a true car person would do.

you have me beat because I just went out and talked to the cars for their Bdays but a cake just takes that to a completely different level. :):D:)
you do realize that by doing this .....your coolness factor just went through the roof in my books. That is only something a true car person would do.

you have me beat because I just went out and talked to the cars for their Bdays but a cake just takes that to a completely different level. :):D:)

Are you saying that "that takes the cake"? lol

I guess my mind works in strange ways sometimes.
I never realized they ran the vin format the same that early ...I always assumed it started in 67 (well I have never had a car before 67)

but a "P" second digit should mean GT, L is for the dart line.

not sure about D (must be an early A thing)

My 68 is LH23B8B LOL and the B-body is RS23U0E which is the same format as his early dart. that's cool
You should have seen the look on the gals face when I picked the cake up. I'm sure she thought I was crazy. lol
I never realized they ran the vin format the same that early ...I always assumed it started in 67 (well I have never had a car before 67)

but a "P" second digit should mean GT, L is for the dart line.

not sure about D (must be an early A thing)

They used that through 68 anyway. My books don't go any farther than that.

L-Dodge Dart
P-Premium (GT)
23-2 door hardtop
Last 6 numbers-sequence number

My 68 is LH23B8B LOL and the B-body is RS23U0E which is the same format as his early dart. that's cool
I must have broke my toe yesterday. I ran it into the night stand and it's all black and blue today.
Well all time to run and get it done!
See I am a poet also!

I kind of feel like Karl this morning!!!!
Time for me to go kids. Have a good day. Hey, where's Memike? Haven't seen him on this morning. tmm
Dang my computer decided to shut down for updates...But I am back for a minute.

Good Morning Keith. Did I read somewhere that you are you looking for a pipe threader?

Yes, looking for a set for work. Have 1-1/4" job to do now, but sure I will have other jobs for it. We run up to 2", but most of the big stuff is welded stainless. Been looking mostly at used Ridgid sets on eBay. Probably go with 12R, but $$$ to buy new. Work is paying for it, but still can't justify $900. And would still need cutter, maybe tripod vice...
I did get lost in the fog once on base in Kuwait. You could not even see the end of your arm.

I was once in a pure dark room... Scary, you can't even see the floor, and then you start to loose your bearings and almost fall over.... Wierd.... :violent1:

Not to be confused with a dark room for developing film where you have a red or dark light so you can see a little, this room was absolute dark... No lights whatsoever... :glasses7:
Gloomy day here... Rain on and off, fog, rolling thunder.... :color:

I forgot to check the calendar and it was recycle day today... #-o

I realized that after the truck had already come... :banghead:

So I dumped the recycles in the top of the regular trash and the guy just took it a bit ago.... :cheers:

I hate to upset the environment, but I can't wait for two more weeks for the recycle guy to come around again... If they want me to be serious and strict at recycling, they need to make it more convenient and run the truck every week like the regular trash pick-up.... :finga:

I built one of my new "fire pits" and found out that it doesn't have a bottom, it's all wall.... #-o

No wonder there wasn't a display model at the store and they don't put that angle on the box.... :???:

But I think the bottom from my last one may fit in this one, then I can build the second one to put on that one for walls to contain the fire.... However, I consider that a "restrictor plate" when it comes to building a fire.... :D
I might get out of recovering my operating system. I just retried the drawing again, and found that I was in the wrong menu for the english template, but it still had an option for standard template.... :banghead:

So I tried it from the english menu and it seems ok now... :cheers:

Rookie mistake.... #-o
I might get out of recovering my operating system. I just retried the drawing again, and found that I was in the wrong menu for the english template, but it still had an option for standard template.... :banghead:

So I tried it from the english menu and it seems ok now... :cheers:

Rookie mistake.... #-o

Hay Karl :glasses7: if a man or lady does not make any mistakes they are not doing anything brother :D You are learning some good chit man :cheers: