Stop in for a cup of coffee

I need to pick up transmission fluid for the dart. Any recommendations? I found in the fabo search someone said dextron should be good.
I agree buy Dexron. Some people with High performance trans will use Ford fluid. But I think its hard to find now. Most ATF fluids say Dexron/Mercon....
Ran the car. Pulls much harder. Still can't flat foot it. Watched the video...very humbling. Not much there
Well, she is off to work her first day at the new nail shop. We will see how she likes it there
I was able to get her to help me lift the tractor engine off of the table and over and into the tractor yesterday. Only about 10 ft or 12 ft away. She did great since she is only 5'2 and 99 lbs. Kkkkkkkk
Cheryl and I sat on the beach this week with time talked and agreed it's time to sell the cars. We've enjoyed them, all the car shows, etc...
We want to travel and do other things and I just don't want them to just sit. They need to be enjoyed and shown and shared with other car people.
Gota do what you need to do.
Morning, dogs rousted a rattle snake on our walk this morning. Never seen Brandy jump that high, and spin 180 deg in the air.
Just looked at it and walked away, she did good. Breakfast is done now I just need more coffee.
Well, I got the rebuilt John Deere engine running in the John Deere about an hour ago. Just wrapping things up. Takes a while to attach all the plastic pieces and brackets. Maybe time for a beer?
I got five holes Jack hammered for posts by noon and called it, to dang hot. Six more to go tomorrow mornin, then set posts, mix concrete and run top rails. I am making a dog run for the hounds. They get their own doors so they can come and go at will. At present I am merely a door man for them!
I think you should grab Chin and go for a putt! Put a little wind in her hair!
I'd really enjoy that. John. The priority was getting the tractor back in the yard. I still need to fabricate a bracket for the rear caliper and bleed all the brakes and hook up the clutch on the Shovel. That shouldn't take too long. Should be riding it a day or two. But it's pretty funny, every time I walk by it I start it up. Just so I can hear it. Awesome
I'd really enjoy that. John. The priority was getting the tractor back in the yard. I still need to fabricate a bracket for the rear caliper and bleed all the brakes and hook up the clutch on the Shovel. That shouldn't take too long. Should be riding it a day or two. But it's pretty funny, every time I walk by it I start it up. Just so I can hear it. Awesome
I need to get me a dirt bike always enjoyed riding dirt. Trials bike at my age would be best as long as I keep both wheels on the ground and don't do an endo! I'll be fine.
I'd really enjoy that. John. The priority was getting the tractor back in the yard. I still need to fabricate a bracket for the rear caliper and bleed all the brakes and hook up the clutch on the Shovel. That shouldn't take too long. Should be riding it a day or two. But it's pretty funny, every time I walk by it I start it up. Just so I can hear it. Awesome
Totally understand. I was doing the exact same thing one fine evening when I was properly tuned up and my X wife heard bike start and immediately came out in shop explaining to me in no uncertain terms I better not even think about riding it. Well…….. initially I had zero intent to ride simply wanted to hear her purr. But when she said thou shall not? What is a guy to do? I took her for a little jaunt, never even made it the pavement but darn sure took her out of the shop for a little wind. This was same X Wife that gave me the ultimatum Bike or me! I still got the Bike!