Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's 55° with heavy frogs here this morning at the wannabeach. If I still had 4wd I could go the the beach ramp at Oceano Dunes ORV and watch the fun and mayhem as the tourists try to get off the beach :lol: State Parks contract the beach towing out to towing contractors. Tow truck drivers used to go and make that beach sand ramp as impassable as possible. More tow, more beer money. Friend had a big tow strap in the bed of his 4wd short bed truck, he sit there by the ramp and see people get stuck and rush out there to help them. He never charged the tow truck victims. Pull them up to the asphalt "Have a safe trip home" :D Sure pissed those tow truck drivers off :rofl:I've seen rail framed buggies with paddles hooked up to the front of their motorhome tow rigs to get them up that ramp. Paddle tires pitchin' sand 20 feet in the air and all over that motorhome :rofl:
Gonna be another hot one today. Not sure what the real temp was, but this is what it showed when I got in the car yesterday

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Gonna be another hot one today. Not sure what the real temp was, but this is what it showed when I got in the car.

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I think we're all done with our "hot" weather, 10 day forecast doesn't have it getting over 68 with most days 64-66. I have a lot of green tomatoes as I planted them late, may have to do some mods to get more red ones.
I think we're all done with our "hot" weather, 10 day forecast doesn't have it getting over 68 with most days 64-66. I have a lot of green tomatoes as I planted them late, may have to do some mods to get more red ones.
I got lots of cherry tomatoes from one plant. The large varieties did not do as well as most years. Not as many or as big as usual.
Kudos to you for driving your Dart. I’m wanting to take a few of mine out for a drive. Been busy and Hot, haven’t had the Barracuda out since 1st week of June

Had to bite the bullet. Hate this crap.

Hoppy not to high jack this. You know I'm here to help you.
How about a shower day. We have enough close by that can do it for way less,
I'm generally a broke ***, so can't do much on that front. But I'm definitely game for helping to do it. Might have to break it into a couple jobs. First one is to get in the basement fix the framework. Make sure you don't end up down there while you are sudzing your bipper! :eek:
I'm generally a broke ***, so can't do much on that front. But I'm definitely game for helping to do it. Might have to break it into a couple jobs. First one is to get in the basement fix the framework. Make sure you don't end up down there while you are sudzing your bipper! :eek:
Agree and a bad visual to boot!
I need to pick up transmission fluid for the dart. Any recommendations? I found in the fabo search someone said dextron should be good.