Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning crew. We're heading to KC and Gold MD this morning. Cheryl is getting fitted for a set of golf clubs.
The ones she's swinging now are 13 years old. Today, she'll also get to pick her new driver up. She was fitted for that a couple weeks ago.
I'm sure this evening we'll be at a golf range somewhere hitting those little white balls.
Last night she was so excited like a kid the night before Christmas.
Good morning everyone. We have had some rain. Found out my truck is at least a week behind. I am going to have to try and change the wheel bearing on the other car. Hasn't been apart since 1999 that I know of, so fingers crossed. I have never changed a front wheel drive front hub. I know how, just hope it comes apart.
OK so it's opening day at MOPAR Carlisle like the first hour of the swap meet and the place is packed. Ray is at his booth looking good. I send Cheryl up in a pre-planned prank. In her best lawyer serious business voice with clipboard in hand she introduces herself as a person from the PA Tax Department and asks if he's Ray Brenner. When he replies yes, she explains that they have no proof of a sales tax statement on file for him or his business. Ray in total disbelief hands waving tells her his wife has all that paperwork. Cheryl responds that until she can see something she'll have to shut him down. Ray is really excited at this point trying to rationalize with her. Meanwhile I'm about 20 yards away laughing my *** off and then he sees me joke over. Haha, we had a good time with that one. That's why at times Cheryl is referred to as the tax lady.
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They don't know the tax lady story. Hoppy was the victim of one of the greatest coffee crew pranks ever that Cheryl and I pulled off at Carlisle a few years ago.
I faintly recall this. Wasn’t this the year I went, 2019 I think it was
It still scares me. I don't have a tax number. I sub rent. LOL....If the real one ever shows up....hmmm. But it would have been funny to watch old Hoppy squirm
I think you are right and it could have been Tim's first year. But then they all run together. Mithch has been behind me before I ever met him and that is not where I first met him
I carry it noow. The clipboard did it. Hey Tike your friends ever figure out what they are doing next year?
I don't think Doug will ever quit going. And Alan talks like he wants to quit but I think it is because he has so much going on. That guy has more stuff than you could believe
I don't think Doug will ever quit going. And Alan talks like he wants to quit but I think it is because he has so much going on. That guy has more stuff than you could believe
Stuff I got a truck full that I'm bringing to Carlisle next summer, and none of it is coming home with me.