Stop in for a cup of coffee

20800 pages... what the!!!

As I look out the kitchen window I see a bunch of leaves falling here in northeast Arkansas, won't be long now I guess :BangHead: :mad:, 90 for the high and sunny next 5 days.
So here’s a question for you. Assembled engine minus cam shaft and timing chain. Currently oiled up and wrapped in plastic trash bags, is there a better way to try to keep it safe from moisture over the winter?
Put some kind of desiccant in the bag.
The antenna I’m after will be for the car you had a ride to MITP. And you know Keith will find Mopar goodies
A fun ride and the most memorable fun times of my life, give me the information on the antenna you are looking for, was that a 58 model?
Morning everyone, chores are done time for breakfast and coffee.
Inside chores are done here, coffee and breakfast is done (spinach and one egg on top) now to get outside and get a good look at what needs done before the leaves hit the ground.