Stop in for a cup of coffee

I happened to be downstairs in the bottle storage room and pulled a bottle off the shelf I hadn't been into for months. I keep some of those little Red Sols Cup shot glasses on the shelf just for these occasions. Well it's getting better. Better than I remember. It's Barton juice but sold through Costco.
Barton juice, what the H is that ?
Just another cold damp day here. Going out to try and find a pulley in the garage.
What pully you looking for?
Well good news bad news, we are finally to the point we have to close construction loan and turn it into an actual mortgage. Looks like if we go conventional we are mid 7s on 30 year. We go VA (again) we are low six. We are leaning towards the simplicity of a conventional, then just do a REFI here in a year or two when the US returns to some semblance of sanity on the economic landscape. The hassle of a VA loan just isn’t worth the point.
Semi Sunny here today, but still quite cool. VN Wife is wearing a Parka....KKKKKKKKK
As most of you may know over the past 6 years I go to Vietnam somewhere around October where it is warmer. I have told her that we need to get back where it's warm because it is very cold here over the winter months. She will have none of that. Lol. She is making too much money doing nails. Maybe not much in our world but a lot of money in theirs. Now she's saying she doesn't want to go back until January for Tet, which is of course the all rolled in one holiday for Vietnamese people. I told her her nipples may fall off before she gets back to Vietnam. Lol. Kkkkkkkkkk
Well good news bad news, we are finally to the point we have to close construction loan and turn it into an actual mortgage. Looks like if we go conventional we are mid 7s on 30 year. We go VA (again) we are low six. We are leaning towards the simplicity of a conventional, then just do a REFI here in a year or two when the US returns to some semblance of sanity on the economic landscape. The hassle of a VA loan just isn’t worth the point.
Yeah, John, it's a shame really that rates are so high right now. Only 5 years ago they were under three. Crazy
As most of you may know over the past 6 years I go to Vietnam somewhere around October where it is warmer. I have told her that we need to get back where it's warm because it is very cold here over the winter months. She will have none of that. Lol. She is making too much money doing nails. Maybe not much in our world but a lot of money in theirs. Now she's saying she doesn't want to go back until January for Tet, which is of course the all rolled in one holiday for Vietnamese people. I told her her nipples may fall off before she gets back to Vietnam. Lol. Kkkkkkkkkk
Take her on a road trip to the South! Just over 90 here today
I'd love to!!!! Damn problem is she won't take off from work. Right now she has only one day off the week, and that's her choice. I told her don't work two days a week, we can go places. But but but but but but butt She's Lovin American capitalism. Kkkkkkkkk
Yeah, John, it's a shame really that rates are so high right now. Only 5 years ago they were under three. Crazy
Agreed, when we started this process about four years ago we put 4.5-5 as our budget loan interest rate. Knowing it had to go up a bit. I Have rewritten the next line of commentary over and over about three times now and just can’t make it fit the parameters of our thread. Suffice to say we are disappointed and I will leave it at that.
As most of you may know over the past 6 years I go to Vietnam somewhere around October where it is warmer. I have told her that we need to get back where it's warm because it is very cold here over the winter months. She will have none of that. Lol. She is making too much money doing nails. Maybe not much in our world but a lot of money in theirs. Now she's saying she doesn't want to go back until January for Tet, which is of course the all rolled in one holiday for Vietnamese people. I told her her nipples may fall off before she gets back to Vietnam. Lol. Kkkkkkkkkk
You sure she will be ok with the very cold months coming, you do know there's going to be some clothes shopping now, hmmm Parka, I think I know what that is but I am going to search that
Yes just a cool pic of an old Army truck.
These are cooler


I'd love to!!!! Damn problem is she won't take off from work. Right now she has only one day off the week, and that's her choice. I told her don't work two days a week, we can go places. But but but but but but butt She's Lovin American capitalism. Kkkkkkkkk
Well should you decide to you guys have a place to stay down here!
You sure she will be ok with the very cold months coming, you do know there's going to be some clothes shopping now, hmmm Parka, I think I know what that is but I am going to search that
Speaking of clothes for small Asian women. You can't really buy what you need around here. So I usually buy stuff online from an Asian company and they ship it here to America. I buy conservative stuff and also the other stuff that's available. Lol. kkkkkkk. So I got a box here the other day of clothes for her. Most of them fit, but I bought her a denim bodysuit that should have been her size, but it was too big. So today in my spare time I boiled it in hot water for 40 minutes and put it in the dryer on high. We will see when she gets home if it fits any better. If not I will have it tailored. The things you do.......
You sure she will be ok with the very cold months coming, you do know there's going to be some clothes shopping now, hmmm Parka, I think I know what that is but I am going to search that
Parka is when the good ole boy in the cowboy hat at the county fair points to the other side of the pasture and says “Parka over yonder”
I have seen several over the months like that on the driveway, not sure what animal gets into them

Did some Google-Fu

They mentioned hedgehogs and badgers, but I'm thinking they aren't around the homestead

Birds That Destroy Hornets’ Nests

Birds are a common foe to hornets’ nests, and certain species, such as bluebirds, tanagers, and catbirds, are known for preying on both wasps and their larvae.

These birds can survive the potential stings from hornets in order to access their nests. They disable hornets by eating them or scraping them against hard surfaces to get rid of their stingers.

Because of birds’ narrow beaks, they can enter the openings in a hornets’ nest and remove larvae. If they find a nest, they may feast on larvae until the nest is effectively destroyed.
Did some Google-Fu

They mentioned hedgehogs and badgers, but I'm thinking they aren't around the homestead

Birds That Destroy Hornets’ Nests

Birds are a common foe to hornets’ nests, and certain species, such as bluebirds, tanagers, and catbirds, are known for preying on both wasps and their larvae.

These birds can survive the potential stings from hornets in order to access their nests. They disable hornets by eating them or scraping them against hard surfaces to get rid of their stingers.

Because of birds’ narrow beaks, they can enter the openings in a hornets’ nest and remove larvae. If they find a nest, they may feast on larvae until the nest is effectively destroyed.
Thanks :thumbsup:
My engine is not pretty at all but it’s a work in progress. Here are the valve covers.

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I think it looks great! However the Troll in me would just have to look innocently over at the Chevelle in the Garage, and say, “Honey, I would help you pull the motor if you wanted to paint your engine bay the same color as the car? Wouldn’t that look much better?”