Stop in for a cup of coffee

Made myself a latte this morning, first in long time. Forgot how good I am at it :) Used some past Christmas gift coffee for it, chocolate an peanut butter. Been long time. Add some Skrewball to it and start the day out right :rofl:
Big day out here today. It has been seven days since shoulder replacement. I get my first post op appt with Surgeon. I just got done with PT and can actually raise my arm over my head, not by much mind you but enough to call it a win! Plus they will take off the mondo waterproof bandage for first time since surgery. I have yet to even see the incision. The dressing stays on till today. It is most uncomfortable. Heck I was even able to put on a tee shirt all by myself today vs a snap up. This has been no fun for sure but I am literally in less pain today than prior to surgery. Amazing technology. I will also find out today exactly what the composition of the new parts are. Parts is parts!

See! That's way easier than repair recovery. I was 6 weeks before I could raise above my waist
Off to the salt mines for me, working fairly local at least but on a running generation plant so don't cut the red wire! Check in with you all later
4 speed trans trans only has a plug where the speedometer pinion adapter goes?

I guess he figured I would use old parts, what are my options?
I put my cut off speedo back in just pinched the end. Top left corner of pic.

See! That's way easier than repair recovery. I was 6 weeks before I could raise above my waist
I agree, our boys recovery was longer in duration as well. I think cutting all the old junk out and getting some bolt ons vs the OEM parts is the way to go. Surgeon reluctantly gave me the option of reconstruction but in same breath told me he did not have much to work with if I went that route. Having lived vicariously thru boys reconstruction I really feel like I have made a good choice. I have months of recovery to regain range of motion and can never again touch a dumbbell over thirty pounds on that arm but I don’t care. Feels good. He also explained in no uncertain terms bench press and anything over head is verboten. But I slept five straight hours last night and I have not done that in years. I could have been a poster boy for NyQuil!
I agree, our boys recovery was longer in duration as well. I think cutting all the old junk out and getting some bolt ons vs the OEM parts is the way to go. Surgeon reluctantly gave me the option of reconstruction but in same breath told me he did not have much to work with if I went that route. Having lived vicariously thru boys reconstruction I really feel like I have made a good choice. I have months of recovery to regain range of motion and can never again touch a dumbbell over thirty pounds on that arm but I don’t care. Feels good. He also explained in no uncertain terms bench press and anything over head is verboten. But I slept five straight hours last night and I have not done that in years. I could have been a poster boy for NyQuil!
That's cool...

Yeah... above shoulder level is dicey. Lateral dumbell raises I drop down to maybe 10. Pounds.

I will do heavy presses but I lay on the floor to have the support out to the end of my shoulder and to have a backstop where I can't drop past 90° on the way down. That works well for me
Big day out here today. It has been seven days since shoulder replacement. I get my first post op appt with Surgeon. I just got done with PT and can actually raise my arm over my head, not by much mind you but enough to call it a win! Plus they will take off the mondo waterproof bandage for first time since surgery. I have yet to even see the incision. The dressing stays on till today. It is most uncomfortable. Heck I was even able to put on a tee shirt all by myself today vs a snap up. This has been no fun for sure but I am literally in less pain today than prior to surgery. Amazing technology. I will also find out today exactly what the composition of the new parts are. Parts is parts!
One step closer to becoming The Bionic Man!
Well managed to get my sleeping Buddy off my lap. And showered.
Now the long wait for my hair to dry.
I seriously need a haircut.
Fastenal will ship Missippie east or west
Not cross country anymore.
I will be calling ours here in town, find out everywhere I can ship to and cost if possible, or wait on a Ford, dodge car show to take them to and find a good home for these wheels and bran new tires.
Well managed to get my sleeping Buddy off my lap. And showered.
Now the long wait for my hair to dry.
I seriously need a haircut.
My hair dries almost as fast as it takes me to towel dry myself after a shower :rofl: