Stop in for a cup of coffee

The chairs need to be reupholstered but I'll stick with gold velvet. They're very solid considering they were refinished in about 1975 or so as I recall. The shell backs are actual abilone...
The chairs need to be reupholstered but I'll stick with gold velvet. They're very solid considering they were refinished in about 1975 or so as I recall. The shell backs are actual abilone...
When we moved into this place a couple years ago we needed a small table and chairs for a nook in the off the kitchen. Friend had one and gave it to us. I unscrewed the chair seats, bought fabric at a sewing shop, and took them to the car restoration shop I'd used for upholstery work. They had them done in a couple days for $100 and look great. You might consider something like that??
When we moved into this place a couple years ago we needed a small table and chairs for a nook in the off the kitchen. Friend had one and gave it to us. I unscrewed the chair seats, bought fabric at a sewing shop, and took them to the car restoration shop I'd used for upholstery work. They had them done in a couple days for $100 and look great. You might consider something like that??

I might assesses if I could do it myself.... but I've been meaning to go speak with the shop where Scott had the Dart seats done and see what they'd charge.
Well it looks like Ted and I might make a whisky run this morning down to Coralville. (80 miles) That have some 1792 sweet wheat he wants.
I read (1.792 miles), that has some 80 proof wheat he wants :rofl: sounds like a good day, enjoyable day .
Hay guys. All caught up. Took both darts out this weekend. 67 has a small fuel leak. So home quick with that...both really run drive nice. Except stopping the 67. Needs vacuum pump
Good day when you can do that, glad you had some seat time
Back haul ketchup!
You saying pull a trailer ?
I might assesses if I could do it myself.... but I've been meaning to go speak with the shop where Scott had the Dart seats done and see what they'd charge.
Doing the job yourself, prepare an area to work (top of the pool table) have a very good staple gun, stretching it on, don't hurt your fingers on staple.
Hard to find a person sometimes to do it maybe, I don't know, it can be done by you in possibly 1 hour. Barr stool recover I assume, two of them
Doing the job yourself, prepare an area to work (top of the pool table) have a very good staple gun, stretching it on, don't hurt your fingers on staple.
Hard to find a person sometimes to do it maybe, I don't know, it can be done by you in possibly 1 hour. Barr stool recover I assume, two of them
It takes a little time but it’s not difficult to do yourself. I have recovered our dining room chairs myself. The pain was removing all the previous staples from the original upholstery.
Doing the job yourself, prepare an area to work (top of the pool table) have a very good staple gun, stretching it on, don't hurt your fingers on staple.
Hard to find a person sometimes to do it maybe, I don't know, it can be done by you in possibly 1 hour. Barr stool recover I assume, two of them

Thanks Mike. Yes, 6 chairs. For me the corner folds are the hard part. Getting them clean and hidden
Well, my plan didnt go as planned. I diverted and decided to straighten out the tarp shed. Will store dart, fargo and studebaker in it. Plus some parts. Beetle will fit in there too.
Just one more thing off my to do list.
Well, my plan didnt go as planned. I diverted and decided to straighten out the tarp shed. Will store dart, fargo and studebaker in it. Plus some parts. Beetle will fit in there too.
Just one more thing off my to do list.
Frank I have a "Fall list" I'm working through also. I have about two or three weeks to get it done. One day at a time.
OK... so been looking for a dining table for a while... just the table mind you. I have Mom's chairs already. Queen Anne style. Get the alert on FB marketplace.... inexpensive... good price ($50) shot a note...available now, so I stop work and make the run. It's at a storage unit.

Loaded it up...sucker is heavy.. lady says it's a "blah-blah- whatever" I smile politely and thank her.... back on the road.

Getting it unloaded I see the tags and brand on the underside and decide to run an online search.

Apparently a "blah-blah-whatever" is a Henkel Harris....and let's just say that I will not be cleaning car parts on the dining table in the future. Mom would be happy that her chairs have good company.

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You done good, nice find:thumbsup:
Home from work ya all should be proud of me I didn't break anything today. :thumbsup:
Beat on fenders is what I do, Freddy the fender bender. :BangHead:
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Wow, I seem
Home from work ya all should be proud of me I didn't break anything today. :thumbsup:
Beat on fenders is what I do, Freddy the fender bender. :BangHead:
Glad your day of work is over for you Freddy The Fender Bender.

Long day. Accomplished more than i expected. Just going to order a carb kit for Beetle. And a master cylinder. That looks like no fun to change. Guess i will yank the gas tank, it needs cleaning anyway.
Hey Wayne, was wondering if you had some new artwork you created recently to show us?
I don't know if you all know Wayne but he is an artist in jewelry and has done some fantastic work that I hope he displays here.
So I’ve got some bad news to share. Had a family meeting today.

This will be our last year family farming crops. Due to the massive increases in fertilizer cost, fuel cost, equipment maintenance cost and lastly, new federal regulations, government taxes and fees that have more than doubled in less than a year, it simply costs too much to continue. This combined with the massive losses at the hands of the squatters, this is the only option to keeping the farm viable long term.

While corn and soybean prices are still near record highs, the sheer cost to plant next year is more than double our gross revenue this year. All due to the above.

We’re going to be liquidating the row crop equipment and letting a larger farmer rent the farmable ground.


Still doing the goats and cattle but we are done with corn, soybeans, etc.

And sadly, we won’t be the only ones. But the plan going forward will at least let us keep the farm itself. Even if **** goes to hell.
So I’ve got some bad news to share. Had a family meeting today.

This will be our last year family farming crops. Due to the massive increases in fertilizer cost, fuel cost, equipment maintenance cost and lastly, new federal regulations, government taxes and fees that have more than doubled in less than a year, it simply costs too much to continue. This combined with the massive losses at the hands of the squatters, this is the only option to keeping the farm viable long term.

While corn and soybean prices are still near record highs, the sheer cost to plant next year is more than double our gross revenue this year. All due to the above.

We’re going to be liquidating the row crop equipment and letting a larger farmer rent the farmable ground.


Still doing the goats and cattle but we are done with corn, soybeans, etc.

And sadly, we won’t be the only ones. But the plan going forward will at least let us keep the farm itself. Even if **** goes to hell.
That sucks Chris... but it's the story all over. I'm glad you can save the farm as a whole.
So I’ve got some bad news to share. Had a family meeting today.

This will be our last year family farming crops. Due to the massive increases in fertilizer cost, fuel cost, equipment maintenance cost and lastly, new federal regulations, government taxes and fees that have more than doubled in less than a year, it simply costs too much to continue. This combined with the massive losses at the hands of the squatters, this is the only option to keeping the farm viable long term.

While corn and soybean prices are still near record highs, the sheer cost to plant next year is more than double our gross revenue this year. All due to the above.

We’re going to be liquidating the row crop equipment and letting a larger farmer rent the farmable ground.


Still doing the goats and cattle but we are done with corn, soybeans, etc.

And sadly, we won’t be the only ones. But the plan going forward will at least let us keep the farm itself. Even if **** goes to hell.
Damn, sorry Chris and looks like the same thing here for small farmers.
That sucks Chris... but it's the story all over. I'm glad you can save the farm as a whole.
Well we’re trying. I’m telling you, it’s the 1930s all over again. FSA office estimates as much as 60 percent of family farms under 1000 acres will sell out by 2024