Stop in for a cup of coffee

What would you do if you won 1.75 B?
I would take the annuity, that way I don't get stupid (er)
Restore this house to its 1802 look.
Buy the summer house back
and get the R/T painted.

I am easy.
Hmmmm. I had always said, if I won huge money, I would want to buy Road America in Elkhart Lake, WI. Super historic track. There is a club house on the hill where they serve food. Make that my house, then watch races from the deck in a nice smoking jacket, cigar and coffee. Then get a bunch of snow making machines and have winter snowmobile road course racing. Then a home somewhere warm also.
Hmmmm. I had always said, if I won huge money, I would want to buy Road America in Elkhart Lake, WI. Super historic track. There is a club house on the hill where they serve food. Make that my house, then watch races from the deck in a nice smoking jacket, cigar and coffee. Then get a bunch of snow making machines and have winter snowmobile road course racing. Then a home somewhere warm also.
I would also fill the dream of racing at Bonneville. Current set backs likely will not even allow going to watch next year, but with lotto win, I could go and race.
Nina D, hmm, yep I get hung up in a rabbit hole watching a good music group, or looking at 9mm rifles of late, how is that new equipment holding up you are packing around now ?
Well I have had a few super low key days as a result of over doing the rehab. Then I helped my Dad drop a tree, I wore the sling all day and ran saw with just one hand but somehow managed to really make the new hardware angry. Not sure how as my arm was in a sling but I ended up getting a blister on left hand since I only wore glove on right. Not sure when or how I used it but obviously I did if I generated a blister. I am just now two weeks post op and trying to do 8 week post op stuff. Jodi reminded me yet again that I was a moron.
I Set my two sons up and pay for all my grand kids schooling , hire a bunch of work/back breaking and have this hill looking beuityful, add two rooms and another bath to my home here on the hill , buy a ready to race mopar small block car, Plymouth preferably
Friend sent this :rofl:

They take time. First one I did took prob 60 hours. Alot of that was me though. Biggest thing was getting all the mental caffeinated patients to send the pictures to the right place. Also try getting 15 people to agree on something! I hope my Insite made it easier for you Steph.
It helped a lot Hoppy. Hopefully you guys like it. The only thing I missed is it’s the regular size calendar I didn’t realize it until I was all done the original. I tried changing it over to the bigger one but it was taking so much more time to resize all the pictures and layouts for clarity. So if you like it and want me to do it again next year I’ll start with the larger size.
Well I have had a few super low key days as a result of over doing the rehab. Then I helped my Dad drop a tree, I wore the sling all day and ran saw with just one hand but somehow managed to really make the new hardware angry. Not sure how as my arm was in a sling but I ended up getting a blister on left hand since I only wore glove on right. Not sure when or how I used it but obviously I did if I generated a blister. I am just now two weeks post op and trying to do 8 week post op stuff. Jodi reminded me yet again that I was a moron.
I agree with her cousin, even if you are not using it, you continue to balance your body and the shoulders react to it every time you lean, bend over, push pull. Yep, your activity is a little to high of a level, but I am not a doctor (some think I am around my circle) but I hope the grafted tenden's and muscles are not getting tore up.
I want to say You Got This, but I have to agree with Jodi..
Just putting this out there I am sure it will get out. Please I don't need any sympathy posts please this is hard enough. Harley Passed Sunday night some time after Midnight. Appears she choked sort of on a toy appears it blocked her intestines and the vet had a appt on Monday. RIP my best friend. She is on the right really do not have a good pic of her.

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Sorry Ray. Its not easy losing a loyal friend.
If I won I’d buy a house with some property and a nice garage. A small house and bigger garage. I’d make sure my family members had enough to live comfortably. I don’t need much. I’d just want to travel some.
Yup, frost this morning again.
Back under the Thunderturd and get the rust cut out and patched up. Then boots on steering linkage and new brake hoses.
Hope its gone this week.
More Beetle parts ordered, hope i can get that one gone soon too.