Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looks like we are getting some more white stuff. 6-10”. Kind of puts a knot in my plan for the day.
Will figure it out. Think i will put off the brake job on mustang until next week.
Shut the fire down too far last night, heat came on at 66 degrees. A bunch of wood in the box, opened things up, whoosh. Kinda like the fan set-up on this built in, digital readout of temp etc.
So the weather app, like we have never experienced a heavy snowfall before. Nothing like putting people into panic mode.
The weatherguessers are really good at exaggerating every weather condition.

So the weather app, like we have never experienced a heavy snowfall before. Nothing like putting people into panic mode.
The weatherguessers are really good at exaggerating every weather condition.

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They're usually the worst during the first few anythings, wind storms, snow whatever right? I will say if Seattle was predicted up to 7 inches of snow they'd have someone standing on the top of Mt. Raineer saying "I think it's starting"
Been working in the garage early today. I took the chin spoiler off the Scamp and redesigning it to be taller.
Sorry Steph but made lots of noise. :rolleyes:
Good Morning everyone. OT Friday today. Will be here until noon. Then off to try and get something done. I need a new phone, but honestly would rather just go back to a land line and get rid of the cell phone all together. It is super handy, at times, but not truly needed 90% of times. I hope all is well.

Sorry Steph @Petty Betty , I will talk quieter...
Becky picked up our dogs ashes at the vet yesterday, the cremation packaging was a suprise, gave us a paw print cast of her, a card with a clear heart window that had a little bit of her fur in it, velvet bagged wood chest with her reamains. We will spread her ashes on the beach this weekend, she loved going there.