Stop in for a cup of coffee

On to the Woodford Rye.
I worked with a Danish guy while in Germany. He'd have these little tins of liquorice... it about made you hurl... but if you needed to stay awake, it worked like caffeine
We had a exchange student from Denmark. I know exactly what you mean.
I remember that now it was a big thing in Germany seems it was everywhere like candy bars in the US.
My grandfather had it in his house.I’m not sure where he would get it from but he prefered the European over American licorice. He was a character
I need to work on stocking up on a few. Just to have some choices.
I've slowly started a small collection. It's a crap shoot for me though picking one. We have three or four we really like so they seem to be in the cabinet all the time. I go to friend's house and sample their stuff and gain some experience and choices when I go to the store.
I've slowly started a small collection. It's a crap shoot for me though picking one. We have three or four we really like so they seem to be in the cabinet all the time. I go to friend's house and sample their stuff and gain some experience and choices when I go to the store.
That’s a good way to discover new kinds though. I tend to go with what I know also because I’d hate to drop $60 on a new bottle and not like it
I'm not a Scotch drinker but looking forward to Scottish whiskey. Need to start buying a few.
Start with a Irish or a Highland Scotch and work your way into the peated stuff. You might want to go to a bar and buy a oz. if Laphroaig and give it a nudge. You might like it.
Back from dinner. Wife wanted to take a ride to Lancaster County. Did the Shady Maple Smorgasbord. Food was really good. :thumbsup:
Got a bottle of 12 year old

Been saving it since 2018. Came pretty close to broaching it a few times.
That’s a good way to discover new kinds though. I tend to go with what I know also because I’d hate to drop $60 on a new bottle and not like it
I go to our small town store the owner always has a good recommendation you might try that??
We usually purchase our meat through a butcher. We will order a quarter of a cow and half a pig and that keeps the freezer stocked for awhile for far cheaper than buying from the grocery store. But sometimes that means have some cuts that are interesting also. My daughter gets so grossed out when I tell her it’s pigs feet for dinner. :lol:

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Pic my son sent of his kitchen earlier today.

Got a short list of 4 I want to stock up on. Going in for surgery in January and it should be the perfect time to sample a few while I recover.
Oh now that’s a treat!! What was the carving station offering?
Stations, plural.... I had Salmon with dill sauce and Beef brisket. They also had NY Strip, Haddock fillets all grilling at different spots around the front. Plus the tons of other stuff down the main row.
Stations, plural.... I had Salmon with dill sauce and Beef brisket. They also had NY Strip, Haddock fillets all grilling at different spots around the front. Plus the tons of other stuff down the main row.
It’s so good there. Gluttonous but worth it. You have to strategically stock your plate. I stopped a few months ago and the line was out the door and around the building. I figured I’d go back a different day.