Stop in for a cup of coffee

My youngest Son Matthew was here yesterday wanting to use the shop. Needed a water pump on this 68 Cougar 302 engine. He wants to take me on the Turkey Run on Thanksgiving Day. Basically you just run to different locations and drop off gifts for kids.
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Hello to your son, but please tell him to put tools back a clean up any Merk mess he makes, love those little Mercury's
Setting in a waiting room, watching maintenance, things like this should never be done with patients

I wouldn't buy a used set of headers unless they had a part number stamped and I knew the application.
Drinking my coffee and my dogs are giving me the eye. Guess they think the walk was too short.
Back from the VA dental exam. Dentist was out with a sick kid so back tomorrow to see her. Good thing they're not very far.
Took the 55 to my buddy's shop for a checkup. I thought the thermostat was bad but temp gauge worked perfect going in.
Driving in I was hit with that little voice in the back of my head saying you really don't want to sell this...voices ugh!!
Going to follow all the recommendations from here this morning and do little to nothing today. Cheryl's off with the girls playing golf.
Enjoy your day but pace yourself. :thumbsup:
A little story.

Yesterday after getting the trailer inspected, I was searching for a trailer wheel as a spare since I don't have one. My FIL built the car around 1971 according to the old registration. So to say the wheels are old is an understatement. Plus they are 14.5's with commercial trailer tires on them. So I only found one company Gallagher Tire that has the same type of wheel and saw it had an address near King of Prussia, PA. So I looked at the info on the website and they started their business in 1968 "Our story began in 1968 when the Gallagher family transformed a two-bay garage into a retail tire store in Bristol, Pennsylvania" :eek: My FIL (MIL) lives less than a 1/4 mile from the Bristol bridge and I can see him going over the bridge and buying the wheels from the small shop across the speculation on my part as obviously, I can't ask where he got them. Anyway, it made me smile and I thought that was pretty cool :thumbsup: