Stop in for a cup of coffee

I guess my only question would be................Ok alarm goes off alerting me, but I can't get home to do anything about it. Now I know for a fact my house is FUBAR when I get home.:BangHead:
I suppose I could then have a neighbor to break in and shut the water off....but then it will probably freeze by the time I get back.
I suppose I could then have a neighbor to break in and shut the water off....but then it will probably freeze by the time I get back.
Agree..............if I had neighbors. This one can't open the door :lol:

We have a house sitter, we pay about fifty bucks a day to live here when we travel. Works great.
Hmmmm.. $50/day to house sit for you? Access to an arsenal, shooting range, full bar, Demon, Cuda.... Is there a sign up sheet or wait list to house sit?
I have neighbors but don’t trust any of them. The good ones all moved away. I usually shut the water main off in the house when we go away just in case.
I guess my only question would be................Ok alarm goes off alerting me, but I can't get home to do anything about it. Now I know for a fact my house is FUBAR when I get home.:BangHead:

I'm still thinking through the monitor and access stuff

I'm adding a keypad deadbolt that COULD allow me to remote access repair or mitigation crew if I'm gone, - gone.

I can shut off power to the well pump... I'm not sure how the Geo system works for that. My neighbor in PA had one... winter power outtage caused things to freeze up an he had a mess ( but he was working overseas at 6 month tranches)
Hmmmm.. $50/day to house sit for you? Access to an arsenal, shooting range, full bar, Demon, Cuda.... Is there a sign up sheet or wait list to house sit?
Hah! House sitting is just that, only the house! Most expensive thing in house is cowboy hat rack! Unless I am wearing the beaver one! All things you mentioned above are separate building. And it is secure.
We went away for the weekend, 5 hours away and didnt lock the door…
Usually when we go on trips, the neighbour checks the house, or my son if he isnt up north. We check my sons place 2x a week when hes up north at work.
We have keys to the neighbors house. They can bring in packages, feed the cat and have sex in our bed while we are gone! :rofl: :rofl:
I have got to get over to John's place soon, I need a vacation away, and my wife needs one away from me :lol:
Take a ride out and about on John's property, enjoy looking over gods country up there... it's got to be beautiful @Sublime one
Hah! House sitting is just that, only the house! Most expensive thing in house is cowboy hat rack! Unless I am wearing the beaver one! All things you mentioned above are separate building. And it is secure.
I assumed very secure. Well, house sitting for you, just the house, would still be a vacation for most people.
Yesterday morn a dear lady friend of mine text me she is having car trouble. Throw on my grubbiest Carhartts "5 minutes I be there". Perty simple her battery had passed away. Found a place for her to sit in the Hemi Express and we take a ride to Auto Zone. Go back and start her Tahoe up again and follow her back to parts house for new battery. "I'll pick you up at 4:30. Wear your best Carhartts." :wtf: Wound up at




I'm fed for 3 days now :lol: They one of the few steak houses that do Sweetbreads round here so my menu choice was made before I got there :lol:
