Stop in for a cup of coffee

So guys think it would be possible to "re- bush" a carb base plate at home .

I have a few carbs that have vacuum leaks and the very loose throttle arm.
So guys think it would be possible to "re- bush" a carb base plate at home .

I have a few carbs that have vacuum leaks and the very loose throttle arm.

It may be a little challenging...

the butterfly plates are staked in so the screws don't come out and take out a cylinder... They can be difficult to remove, and even more important, getting them in and secure enough so they don't "rattle loose" and get into a cylinder later... You would need to restake them without bending the mounting shaft so they don't come out...
So guys think it would be possible to "re- bush" a carb base plate at home .

I have a few carbs that have vacuum leaks and the very loose throttle arm.

Sure, it just depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Loose throttle arms can be for a number of reasons and it just depends on what's worn. Sometimes it's the throttle shaft to the butterfly and sometimes it's the bore that the shaft goes through.

You need to see which it is by disassembly and inspection. It is also possible to "cast in" a sleeve seal using Permatex form-a gasket as long as the parts run true on center during rotation. You just pump it in and let it set, then twist the parts to free up the rotation. You need to lube up the shaft first so the Permatex doesn't adhere to the shaft and it will rotate freely.

It's also possible to create the seal just on the outside of the bore, but again the parts must rotate on a true center for it to work.
wow congrats on being married for so long, that is rare these days around here. One reason I am so untrusting, because people don't seem to take it serious and a lot of people separate just because it didn't work out which is ok, if that is the case, it's just too "grown up" for me.

My adoptive parents celebrate 40 years together this fall and my birth parents have been together for as long as I have been it's good.

Anyone can be married to anyone for a long long as they both agree to take it seriously when they do it.

When I said my vows in front of my wife, family and friends I completely understood the words "To have and to hold each other in sickness and in health, forsaking all others until death do you part".

And I completely meant it when I said "I do."
I'm sure I missed it. Was that a 340 that got pulled out to be replaced with a new one, or was it something else in there?

It's a 75 318 with a cam and 68-70 340 dual plane square bore intake that we pulled...

Eddie found an early 69 340 that we rebuilt and that is going in tomorrow... Today is clean-up day, we're going to clean up the engine bay and also strip and paint any brackets and pulleys and get them ready for installation...

Here's the 340 that we rebuilt this past month that is going in. It's the same color and will look similar, but with set of 67 commando valve covers and a Cudachick powder coated LD340 intake...

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Good Morning and Happy Friday. Looking forward to a long weekend. Got my tires on last night. Hopefully get some more accomplished.
According to local news crab season should be really good this year down by Mitch.
Morning Rami! Hey thanks for your help on the auction thread. Just did the last update on it went well, just a few stragglers and then it is all paid up!