Stop in for a cup of coffee

For some odd reason i am finding myself googling pics of 60- 2 valiants ....

Interesting little cars

There's one sitting outside a body shop around here. It's a 'vert in rough shape. Been there for a long time, no work being done on it....
Hey Karl !!! Sons Dart is lookin GREAT !!

That's not my son's Dart, that's Eddie's Dart, he's a local guy that I met through FABO who wanted help building and installing his engine. We are becoming good friends building this. He likes to do things right like me... :thumbsup:
The kids each still have their Valiant 4 doors (68 & 71). :steering:

We found the elusive "red head" that we've been looking for for months two days ago. We need that head for the oldest boy's 72 Challenger engine... :thankyou:

Eddie likes building engines so much, he wants to come back and help us when we build ours after his is done. The trouble is, it takes so long to drive. He lives about 35 miles from me, but the traffic sucks. Even on non rush hour, it takes about an hour. One night when he left during rush hour, it took him 2 hours to get home... He lives close to O'hare airport and the traffic sucks up there on I-90.... I'm trying to get him to buy the a--hole neighbor's house.... :poke:
Doubt it I do know she has her shots and is licensed, but the tags were on the collar she lost, one of those stupid chain ones, hard to find a good ole leather one now a days. Might hit petsmart on the way home see what they have.
No idea where she got Harley, but on lift day one we met her brother for sure!
Even my cat cooper has a chip......i had to register it to me.

Of course they have to charge to change a name on a piece of paper.

But at least now if he lands himself in jail, i can bail him out.
Got the granddogger for the weekend they went camping. Kids, drop her off without a collar last night, idiots!

My dad loved his granddogs also. If I didn't bring my dogs when I visited, he would ask why...

It was nice when I did bring them, as he took care of all of the dogs when I was here... I brought my two Dalmatians, he had his own Dalmatian and a chocolate Lab.... He loved the dogs and would "dog sit" for me when I needed it... He would collect all the dinner scraps and divide them between all the dogs... They really loved him...
If I take over the ownership of Harley she is getting a chip, she has taken off from here once after a deer.
I have the correct pipes here now.
Doubt it I do know she has her shots and is licensed, but the tags were on the collar she lost, one of those stupid chain ones, hard to find a good ole leather one now a days. Might hit petsmart on the way home see what they have.

They have a machine at petsmart that you can get a new tag for her with her name and address...
She is usally good staying on the property. She does visit the neighbor across the street to play with their pointers and gets a cookie from them. She is hard to get out of the pond though trying to get the ducks! funny to watch.
Ok, I'm caught up now...

Eddie's coming over around 9, so I think I'm going to catch one more cat nap before he gets here. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those days...

We're going to see if we can get the pulleys lined up. Right now the crank pulley and the water pump pulley are about 1/8" off, we have to see what's going on, or shim the water pump pulley to line up with the crank pulley... Then see if the alternator pulley will line up with those....

We're going to degrease and paint the brackets and pulleys today and then install the Super Stock leaf springs... Eddie thinks the springs should only take a couple of hours, I told him we will be lucky to get them installed in 4-5 hours. Things can get tough while changing them if the brackets don't want to come off the old springs... Then hope the center bolt on his car is the 5/8" one, not the 1/2" one that I will have to drill out the holes in the brackets and then get a 5/8" bolt and nut at a hardware store... He's very optimistic, I've done this job many times and encountered all of the problems and know what can give us trouble... We can handle it, but it will just take time as each one comes up...