Stop in for a cup of coffee

Cool...your involved with that right?
Yup .. we do it right here at my shop. The Church pays for oil and filters, and I get 2 or 3 guys from our congregation to volunteer. The ladies must be single moms , widows or divorcees. They sign up a few weeks in advance at our Church and come every 1/2 hr or so , on schedule. Sue makes coffee and muffins and has fellowship with the ladies while they wait. I'ts fun. We do it every 3 months.
I love it. Ours here is done in the shopping center parking lot and no scheduling. It gets backed up at times and if the weather is bad it can be fun.
Good morning, it's a pleasure catching up with everyone's activities. Busy weekend at the beach as you would expect. The "storm" offshore will bring some rain but the media's over-hyping has people a little worked up.

Tom "Dustermaniac" called this morning. He sounded good. I wouldn't presume to speak for him but he did ask me to say he has been going through the grieving process and started back to work, and taking care of his family, and will be back on the site.
Good morning, it's a pleasure catching up with everyone's activities. Busy weekend at the beach as you would expect. The "storm" offshore will bring some rain but the media's over-hyping has people a little worked up.

Tom "Dustermaniac" called this morning. He sounded good. I wouldn't presume to speak for him but he did ask me to say he has been going through the grieving process and started back to work, and taking care of his family, and will be back on the site.

I'm glad that he's back working and can take care of his family better now...

Thanks for passing that along David...
Wow, nobody here since this morning. Just grabbed some grub and a beer after a busy day myself. Mr and Mrs Hoppy made it down in the Tikey truck this morning, got his old slanty off and loaded up the table. Hung out shootin the **** for a while. We all grabbed breakfast/lunch at a local restaurant. Then they headed up the road and it was Duster time. Gutted the doors and sprayed rust reformer inside. Used some spraybomb paint on the inside where the interior panel will cover. Was looking like a storm and I had enough for the day, so tarped it good(no door windows). If the weather cooperates I hope to spray the door jambs correct color tomorrow.
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Wow, nobody here since this morning. Just grabbed some grub and a beer after a busy day myself. Mr and Mrs Hoppy made it down in the Tikey truck this morning, got his old slanty off and loaded up the table. Hung out shootin the **** for a while. We all grabbed breakfast/lunch at a local restaurant. Then they headed up the road and it was Duster time. Gutted the doors and sprayed rust reformer inside. Used some spraybomb paint on the inside where the interior panel will cover. Was looking like a storm and I had enough for the day, so tarped it good(no door windows). If the weather cooperates I hope to spray the door jambs correct color tomorrow.
Dang, sounds like you've been busy. The wife and I went to our city's annual 4th. Street Cruise. Hundreds of cars and thousands of people. It was fun. there was a good selection of food vendors there. We had a strawberry smoothie, a great tasting bbq pulled pork sandwich and brought home a giant bag of kettle corn. It started sprinkling at around 3 so we headed the Swinger for home. Great fun!
Hi Keith, sounds like you had a productive day!

I managed to get the GTS out on a good 2 hour long shake down run today including highway runs and it's just as well I didn't try to go all the way down to see Mitch. The oil leak still isn't fully fixed (although quite a bit less) and the suspension settled down on the new front shocks and the front tire rub came back on hard turns.

I'm also picking up a shoe clatter in the right rear drum on heavy braking so I need to pull that wheel and figure out what's going on there. I also need to lean down the idle mixture on the carb a little now that the Summer heat is back. It was loading up a little on fuel while sitting in traffic.

Still, I call it all good progress toward shaking loose the weak spots so I can fix them.
Dang, sounds like you've been busy. The wife and I went to our city's annual 4th. Street Cruise. Hundreds of cars and thousands of people. It was fun. there was a good selection of food vendors there. We had a strawberry smoothie, a great tasting bbq pulled pork sandwich and brought home a giant bag of kettle corn. It started sprinkling at around 3 so we headed the Swinger for home. Great fun!

That sounds like a fun time!
Hi Keith, sounds like you had a productive day!

I managed to get the GTS out on a good 2 hour long shake down run today including highway runs and it's just as well I didn't try to go all the way down to see Mitch. The oil leak still isn't fully fixed (although quite a bit less) and the suspension settled down on the new front shocks and the front tire rub came back on hard turns.

I'm also picking up a shoe clatter in the right rear drum on heavy braking so I need to pull that wheel and figure out what's going on there. I also need to lean down the idle mixture on the carb a little now that the Summer heat is back. It was loading up a little on fuel while sitting in traffic.

Still, I call it all good progress toward shaking loose the weak spots so I can fix them.
I'm sure they all have some bugs to work out. I noticed a big wet spot under mine today. looks like tranny leaking around the speedo cable. Would that leak all the time or more when running? I did run it when Ray was here, but I think its been there, and I just thought it was water. It had been raining a lot lately, so I could never have seen it till the last few days.
Good morning, it's a pleasure catching up with everyone's activities. Busy weekend at the beach as you would expect. The "storm" offshore will bring some rain but the media's over-hyping has people a little worked up.

Tom "Dustermaniac" called this morning. He sounded good. I wouldn't presume to speak for him but he did ask me to say he has been going through the grieving process and started back to work, and taking care of his family, and will be back on the site.
I am glad to hear he is moving forward :) Thanks for passing that along David:thankyou:
Treva said thank you for the writen recipe :thankyou::thankyou: and I will iron the patch on my Levi jacket and take a picture and share it :thumbsup:, that sure made our day Friday.
I just found this about our cruise done by a great local photographer. Lots of fun photos. Daddy will appreciate these for sure. I hope the rest do too. 4th Street Cruise 2016
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. Why are the two guys holding their noses as the dukes clone is going past. Rani isn't going to like that. No Sir!
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. Why are the two guys holding their noses as the dukes clone is going past. Rani isn't going to like that. No Sir!
I don't know who those guys are but Rich own's the Dukes car. He is a past customer and owes me $350 from years ago. I hold my nose when he drives by too! LOL By the way, that Charger is a original slant 6 car one of very few. No leaning tower of power in there now.
I'm sure they all have some bugs to work out. I noticed a big wet spot under mine today. looks like tranny leaking around the speedo cable. Would that leak all the time or more when running? I did run it when Ray was here, but I think its been there, and I just thought it was water. It had been raining a lot lately, so I could never have seen it till the last few days.

Mine had that problem before I put in the high stall converter and fixed it. It will leak more when running than sitting, but it will drip a little while sitting. It's a simple o-ring in there that you can swap out to fix the leaking.
Mine had that problem before I put in the high stall converter and fixed it. It will leak more when running than sitting, but it will drip a little while sitting. It's a simple o-ring in there that you can swap out to fix the leaking.
Yeh, I rebuilt the trans and changed the cable. was having problem with needle sticking/jumping. musta screwed something up last time I messed with it.
Yeh, I rebuilt the trans and changed the cable. was having problem with needle sticking/jumping. musta screwed something up last time I messed with it.
Speedo's drive me nuts. My 66 speedo worked good with an occasional needle bounce. I pulled the cable to replace the firewall grommet that Ulf sent me and it went into fits. I have pulled the core numerous times and reinstalled and lubed and now it doesn't work at all. Just a occasional jump. No clue!
It quit here. Spotty showers late this afternoon.