Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just had the most horrible experience. I was sound asleep, when the most egregious of sounds ripped me from my dreams. A repeating tone of pure evil emanated from my phone with the sole purpose of ruining my morning...
I'm awake now. Gotta go to work for 4 hours. Good Morning.
Just had the most horrible experience. I was sound asleep, when the most egregious of sounds ripped me from my dreams. A repeating tone of pure evil emanated from my phone with the sole purpose of ruining my morning...
I'm awake now. Gotta go to work for 4 hours. Good Morning.


The more modern equivalent of your pager going off. Lived that life for a number of years
Another good point about the trip to NC, I left the trailer down there so saved myself 2 trips dragging it around. Much better mileage on the way home.......... :thumbsup:
Just had the most horrible experience. I was sound asleep, when the most egregious of sounds ripped me from my dreams. A repeating tone of pure evil emanated from my phone with the sole purpose of ruining my morning...
I'm awake now. Gotta go to work for 4 hours. Good Morning.

The more modern equivalent of your pager going off. Lived that life for a number of years
oh. That thing... Could be 10 minutes after I got to sleep... Middle of the night. Even right after I got home and walked in the house. Hated that thing. Mine was from the alarm company. I got both security alarms and refrigeration alarms for 2 buildings.
Not much to report this morning, started cutting out bucket seat braces with my sons hand held band saw, 5 done..
Kept the shop a nice 60 degrees yesterday, rain moved it right on time 1pm yesterday, after breakfast I hope to get back on the last 3 braces.
Finally dropped my "Intent to file" VA form into the mail yesterday. 18½ years late. :rolleyes:
Congrats working with a service rep or doing it yourself??
I started with a local service rep who was very busy. After some research I completed most all the paperwork and follow-up required and got my service-connected disability. I used the rep to mail in my paperwork to the regional office and have a paper trail.
For Cheryl's claim I pretty much did her whole claim, including an appeal to the US court of veteran appeals in DC which she won and received her service-connected disability. We again used the same service rep for a paperwork trail.
As long as you have all your medical documentation when it happened and treatment since you'll be ok. It takes time but when approved your back dated for pay to when you first filed your intent.
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Good morning, brewing some coffee. I didn't do any backreading......................

Made the round trip to NC yesterday and dropped off the car. Left at 0330 and go there by 0950 and was on the road again by 1045 and home at 1715. Good to have it down there so it can be put back together.
I love the military time
oh. That thing... Could be 10 minutes after I got to sleep... Middle of the night. Even right after I got home and walked in the house. Hated that thing. Mine was from the alarm company. I got both security alarms and refrigeration alarms for 2 buildings.

Yup... ours usually meant just sitting around at an airfield for hours
It snowed. Puppy likes the fresh snow.
Brekkie then insure the new buggy.
Noticed the gas gauge shows full. I hope its working. But logic tells me the last owner failed to tell me it doesent work. Who sells a car with a full tank of gas??
Congrats working with a service rep or doing it yourself??
I started with a local service rep who was very busy. After some research I completed most all the paperwork and follow-up required and got my service-connected disability. I used the rep to mail in my paperwork to the regional office and have a paper trail.
For Cheryl's claim I pretty much did her whole claim, including an appeal to the US court of veteran appeals in DC which she won and received her service-connected disability. We again used the same service rep for a paperwork trail.
As long as you have all your medical documentation when it happened and treatment since you'll be ok. It takes time but when approved your back dated for pay when you first filed.

Yeah.. my buddy has been harassing me for years to get started. He sent me the partially completed form with a "Happy F-ing New Year... now get this done!" note .....

I have copies of everything in the safe... to include the forms I filled out when I retired, but never submitted.
Check out this forum basically vets helping other vets maneuver the VA system. It was a lot of great information and senior members who can help you.

Veterans Benefits Network

Going to set up a calendar block... Maybe 2 hours every Sunday to pick at it. At least get the 1st one in.

A lot of stuff was handled by the Team medic... so I'll have to work on statements and such. I have my jump logs... figure 18 years on airborne status might get me a 0% of something
Why does it take so much paper work to retire. Makes a guy want to say ahhh screw it and continue to work........Nah no way just kidding