Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, coffee crew!

Funny coming in here with all the beer cans gone. I brought a few packs of Swedish horse-kick coffee grounds and cleared out that horrible Folgers.

And did you notice the new blue and yellow drapes?
Anders, my Muriatic thread on FBBO. I think you'll enjoy it:

Restoring metal parts with Muriatic Acid.
I read your thread and the results are great! I suspect that the clams at the end were made up of some soft alloy that doesn't respond well to the treatment. A lot of speculation in the thread on the chemistry and I would reckon that good protective gear and excellent ventilation (i.e. being outdoor) are the most important things.

I have several chemical engineer friends that still know these things (most are far removed from the actual chemistry of their business nowadays) so I'll probably be able to get answers to any questions I might have.

I'm more intrigued by the electrolytic process, though and being an electronics engineer I might have some stuff at home I could use to create a high-current DC source. A couple of toroid transformers and some high-current diodes. I also think that the electrolytic process is more gentle on the part since it only affects the rust unlike all acid methods. Unless I'm misinformed.
I am the first this morning after 0600! I am going to sit here and pick buggers and stick them under the tables!
Setting here enjoying my first cup watching the news/weather wondering why I have a 2 inches worth of stitches on my face,:wtf: glad that is over :drama:
Good morning Hops :)
Don't ask me to spell it right :BangHead: Basel cell carsonoma, it was only an 1/8'' in diameter but he cut a 2 1/2 inch area on my face to remove the cancer.. Looks like I am going with a Clint Eastwood looks :wtf:
Glad it went ok with the removal of it. Now I remember you mentioned it a while ago.
Don't ask me to spell it right :BangHead: Basel cell carsonoma, it was only an 1/8'' in diameter but he cut a 2 1/2 inch area on my face to remove the cancer.. Looks like I am going with a Clint Eastwood looks :wtf:
Or Al Pacino ?
I am glad it is behind me, I have been away for a couple days smoking some food for folks and taking water and food to a family with three small children, Treva and I also gave them my a/c (window unit out of my shop) and Treva's clothes fit the young mother.. There home was flooded and they moved what they had to a small home in town.. they are getting some good help and there little children loved smoked chicken. Yep , been busy
Good morning Mitch, Cheers ! coffee is good this morning :)
I see @PosiRon stopped in again and Mitch is in the background with a suspicious mug in his hand! LOL

Just noticed yesterday the Pop needs a inspection. So much for the first good ride to get gas today instead to my Mechanic across the street (Dean) to get one hopefully this week..
He is a trip... He won't eat just his dry dog food, unless you add and mix in some table food/leftovers from the fridge.....
Good morning Ben, you hitting the road this morning ? hope the weather is nice, seems we have had showers every day, and sunshine 75% of the time, reminds me of Florida weather out in the strawberry field
Speaking of weather supposed to be really nice here today. Great day to got out in the hops field and finish putting up some strings.