Stop in for a cup of coffee

One of my aircraft prints:

Cool! The ones that I sent to Mitch are 20" x 30" prints of my artwork. Here are 3 of them (I don't have a copy of the fourth one here at work).



Good evening everyone!

Nice to be home again after another long day at work. Time for a cold beer and pay some bills.

What's everyone else up to this evening?
Hey! fixing some supper and starting to get things ready for the Farmington show this weekend.
Spent the morning working out the details on selling all my business properties including equipment.
Then part of the afternoon washing the mother cat and her six children of fleas. I had two helpers.Dawn dish soap worked well on the youngsters. Mom got the bath and drops. The all took it fairly well.
Spent the morning working out the details on selling all my business properties including equipment.
Then part of the afternoon washing the mother cat and her six children of fleas. I had two helpers.Dawn dish soap worked well on the youngsters. Mom got the bath and drops. The all took it fairly well.

Glad to hear that you are working out the property stuff and cleaning up the cats too. I bet they are happier with the fleas gone.
Found out yesterday I have arthritis in both knees-figuring out a rehab plan that does not interfere with car assembly.
No fun at all. I tore the lateral meniscus in both knees about 8 years ago and spent a month in a wheelchair followed by 6 weeks with a walker. It took nearly 2 years to be able to walk fairly normally again, the first 6 months of it with a cane.
Evening gents and gentettes.

I've been working on my car as well TMM. I hope I get it drive-able in time. I mean it is, but Im not happy with it right now. Not to mention Im still dealing with that damn broken hood hinge. It will work for the time being, but its not right and that will be something Im looking for at the show.
Spent the morning working out the details on selling all my business properties including equipment.
Then part of the afternoon washing the mother cat and her six children of fleas. I had two helpers.Dawn dish soap worked well on the youngsters. Mom got the bath and drops. The all took it fairly well.
Time to cash in I take it. How old are you Ray? The cat cleaning sounds like an adventure.
Glad to hear that you are working out the property stuff and cleaning up the cats too. I bet they are happier with the fleas gone.

Now the fun will be keeping them off. to young for over the counter treatment. Some of the things I won't sell. One building has things that date back to my great grandfather. An anvil date cast 1886. a barber pole, chair and other equipment from who knows where. The pole looks to be early 19 hundreds. The chair probably from the 30's
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