Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wondering if maybe it was his introduction.

Like, he found his First Barracuda...

Could be. Too bad the software would only allow new members to post once on the welcome wagon and they have to stick around for a few weeks before posting.
This is a pretty big place and so many don't know how to operate a forum. Many mistakes that cause issues.
Well, the black primer doesent do it justice. Honestly i dont know what would. Maybe poke myself in the eye before i look at it? Haha its not that bad. Forgot to take actual photo, screenshot off video.

Sun is setting so the wind is finally dying down. Need to do a walk about and check for shingles in the yard. They've been holding up well since I repaired that one section last year
I've seen that with a 72 hour hold on new members posting privileges.... Might reduce the scammer bots as well
When Joey had the pontiac forum and I moderated we had a lot of newbies quit early because of the post requirements before you could post pictures.
I bet I shut down about a half dozen scamers every week
When Joey had the pontiac forum and I moderated we had a lot of newbies quit early because of the post requirements before you could post pictures.
I bet I shut down about a half dozen scamers every week

The theory on that site was to encourage the use of the search function and general site orientation before starting a lot of threads all over. It seemed to work pretty well.
When Joey had the pontiac forum and I moderated we had a lot of newbies quit early because of the post requirements before you could post pictures.
I bet I shut down about a half dozen scamers every week
Tired of scammers. I stay in the coffee club and last one to post trend. I pretty much stay off face book and hate to even answer my phone anymore.