Stop in for a cup of coffee

I miss riding a bike :( People here drive soo bad i just stopped one day..(This was 23 years ago, it's way worse now) rode to the dealership and told them to write me a check for mine and walked away. Didn't wanna ride scared.. It is about the best feeling in the world
Yeah, with the speeds on the roads here in America it can be a little harrowing. I'm careful when I ride my Harley. I usually only ride around the local neighborhood streets and not on the main highways because of that. But in Vietnam, no matter where you ride your bike, you won't be able to ride any faster than about 40 km/h our, so even if you had an accident, you probably wouldn't get hurt that badly. I really do like to ride the bike in Vietnam. Very relaxing and you can see everything. It's just a good feeling like you said
By the way. Same guy built my Trans as yours...not good
is it a trans issue or GV? could the rattling be something external loose or flex plate bolt backed out a bit? Does it sound rotational?
This morning moved dart onto trailer. Trans moves the car at least. Feels like a fed u joint. Vibration like that. Not a u joint but feels like that. Rattle as well .fluid still not burned
No in the Trans for sure....I'm pretty sure pump went south..
Ok that sucks. I have seen plenty of the flext plates with just enough bend that the tiny bolts hit and make a hell of a racket/knocking/rattle. Was hoping it was something that could be addressed and salvage the cruise
No in the Trans for sure....I'm pretty sure pump went south..
Hope it's nothing serious.. when i put mine together it had weird noises, pulled the trans and spent a week inspecting every tiny bit and couldn't find a problem (even talked to cope and he basically told me if nothing is wrong nothing is wrong) eventually found tiny witness marks of TC bolts touching the block but it sounded like marble in a tin can, not the normal steady clicking of tc bolts... i'm sure you will find it.. hope it's not serious though
Ok that sucks. I have seen plenty of the flext plates with just enough bend that the tiny bolts hit and make a hell of a racket/knocking/rattle. Was hoping it was something that could be addressed and salvage the cruise
Been there. Once with a cracked flex plate and once with bolts backing out and making contact. I always laughed, 6 bolts connect it to the crank but only 4 bolts connect to the converter (and not that many threads) And they can't be too long or they will dent the converter. Not good.

Twice the avg mpg of my jeep this last trip avg 70-75 mph

Band only if 1st and reverse don't engage but 2 & 3rd do.
Since he said it was delayed on the shift up, that leaves open other possibilities. Up shift releases the low band. Could be something related to pressure - filter, pump, gov. or whatever is done to make it a MVB since it doesn't use throttle pressure lever.
Haven’t talked to him yet this morning but my understanding is just that. No 1st or reverse.
I know he was having issues with the Gear Vendors OD a while back. Is it trans or GV? Nothing loose or flexolatw bolt hitting, etc?
Not sure . Possible I suppose
I did hear a funny sound on trip here. Going along center wall a whining sound...
So, I was stressing about getting this Vin sticker off the door of my 70 Cuda. I will be stripping and repainting everything and I really didn't want to tape over it. Use of a heat gun and a razor blade and some patience. Not perfect. I will have to touch it up a little bit. But it did come off in one piece. Happy about that
So, I was stressing about getting this Vin sticker off the door of my 70 Cuda. I will be stripping and repainting everything and I really didn't want to tape over it. Use of a heat gun and a razor blade and some patience. Not perfect. I will have to touch it up a little bit. But it did come off in one piece. Happy about that
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I use a hair dryer for that, works perfect with no chance of melting/crinkling it.. i'm surprised you got away with the heat gun.. more patience than me :)

(i use a hair dryer at work to remove old shipping labels off packages.. works great.)