Stop in for a cup of coffee

I was goin' to town yesterday and saw a Cutlass at one of the intersections on the expressway. Don't see them around much so it did get my attention, this one especially. Tunnel Ram, dual quads, no hood, 295s on the back, and he was in a hurry leaving the signal light :steering: . Not sure what pipes were on it, but I wasn't impressed with the sound.

They arrested the knothead that pushed this into a ravine in a county park in NorCal and casually walked away with many witnesses.
70K+ acres burning and almost no containment as of this morning :wtf: :elmer:

PS .. CalFire posts 160K acres 3% contain
Converter also feels weird to me, never had a higher than stock one before.. i was messing around in the driveway and just goosing it a bit in gears to test **** (100ft driveway, plenty of room) And having it feel like the trans is slipping then grab is just soo weird to me...

Also, can't tell the difference in hitting it in Drive, Second or First.. i think that's the 4.57s that will just make it jump up and go no matter what though.. on a 727 with non manual VB second starts in second yes? not like 1>2?

Wonder if Lon might wander through an weigh in.

Oh that's terrible!
There is so much dead underbrush it was inevetible. I have been watching some videos, the park management was made aware of the situation and did nothing. Japanese boring beetles are killing all the spruce trees, and some of you know those brown needles burn like gas. I probably have 50 trees on my property that need to come down.
For you guys out east...........................................
For you guys out east...........................................
Interesting, though I've never been a fan. I saw one in very nice shape while I was pulling into the grocery store a couple of weeks back. Unfortunately he was leaving at the same time.
Interesting, though I've never been a fan. I saw one in very nice shape while I was pulling into the grocery store a couple of weeks back. Unfortunately he was leaving at the same time.
I was never a fan of the stepsides myself. LRT's are pretty cool though. And versatile.

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There's a great send-off
It was a great send of for a great guy. It was Phil's truck (one of the many he owned) and the way he would have wanted it. Note the back window sticker "Phil's last Adventure" LRT's are Adventurer models.
When i bought mine it was between FTI and PTC... read reviews of both and it was a toss up.. PTC was like a 5 week wait (2022) soo.. made the choice for me :)