Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had my annual physical today. My Doc of over 30 years declared me very healthy which is always leaves a great feeling at my age (68 in a couple weeks) walking out the door. Like many here I've also had my ups and downs just currently on an up all good.
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I had my annual physical today. My Doc of over 30 years declared me very healthy which is always leaves a great feeling walking out the door. Like many here I've also had my ups and downs just currently on an up all good.
Congrats! Hope I get the same report later this month. I have heard I can snore a bit due to sleep apnea?
I had my annual physical today. My Doc of over 30 years declared me very healthy which is always leaves a great feeling walking out the door. Like many here I've also had my ups and downs just currently on an up all good.
Did you stop for a Double Whopper and a Big Gulp on the way home?


Did you stop for a Double Whopper and a Big Gulp on the way home?


Haha no haven't had that stuff since I lost 50 a couple years ago. I'll just sit here and sip a few two or three glasses of calories.
Jodi and I are about to have a sit down with our local farm hand kid. He is turning 18 and wants to rent the quarters on the range full time. I have some serious reservations but he has really turned himself around since he first started coming out here and helping me. And he just wants to graduate and go into the military. He works and goes to school. Him and his Dad have had some pretty difficult times in the past. I moved out at 15, worked paid rent, fed myself and went to school much like he has so the kid tears at my heart. Jodi says I am the worst for bringing home strays, dogs, people whatever!
Jodi and I are about to have a sit down with our local farm hand kid. He is turning 18 and wants to rent the quarters on the range full time. I have some serious reservations but he has really turned himself around since he first started coming out here and helping me. And he just wants to graduate and go into the military. He works and goes to school. Him and his Dad have had some pretty difficult times in the past. I moved out at 15, worked paid rent, fed myself and went to school much like he has so the kid tears at my heart. Jodi says I am the worst for bringing home strays, dogs, people whatever!
Hey, you can relate to the kid and understand what he's going through. Free rent towards work/on property while you're gone at times might be a good thing for you while he goes to school. I'm sure Jodi can make the written lease look good. The kid sees you all as a positive in his life or he wouldn't be asking.
Weather is weird
It went from 90° and 40% humidity to 70° and 90% humidity.

North-easterly breeze... Which doesn't happen often
We had a north wind here today too very rare for August. I went out a little after 6am and did an hour or so of yard work. I was at the course at 8am with 66 degrees. I left at 2pm with 80 degrees but very nice for our time of year. It continues through the weekend into next week before August comes back with 100 degrees.
We had a north wind here today too very rare for August. I went out a little after 6am and did an hour or so of yard work. I was at the course at 8am with 66 degrees. I left at 2pm with 80 degrees but very nice for our time of year. It continues through the weekend into next week before August comes back with 100 degrees.
I'll be waiting to see if this makes it over the mountain

Weather is weird
It went from 90° and 40% humidity to 70° and 90% humidity.

North-easterly breeze... Which doesn't happen often
Kinda strange here also going to be in the 40* temps in the morning for a few days.
Ok I need some body work help @Frodee @Bodyperson . As you both well know I am not a body guy. But alas the body is made of metal and I can work metal. I successfully forgot the tailgate was down and backed into a tree. Before I start going free range chicken please let me explain what my intent is. Critique as needed please. I will fabricate a piece to form fit where the two rectangular holes are in the apex of the dent. I will then bolt said piece to tailgate then attach some kind of mondo home made slide hammer rig. I will then slam the slide hammer pulling the tree dent out. Keep in mind this is a farm truck not a customer. I just have to make it tolerable to Jodi. I am batting a thousand this week since it is actually her truck not mine. My concern is the ridge or crease from the factory giving me grief? Do I cut a small incision with zip wheel perpendicular to factory edge so that it pulls nicely then reweld or do I just go for it? In my mind I do not see how the crisp factory edge can return to original shape with just the slide hammer? Thus my relief cut. And yes one of the bolts did not have enough shape left to unscrew without being creative! Thanks to all for any and all body work advice!

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Take that panel off and work it from the back side. Dog has that "Dad,, Moms gona be pissed"
got home and cut the grass then ground down the passenger fender, will need a little work but not near as much as the drivers luckily :) Nothing bout this car feels right... just pulling it in and out of the garage, it doesn't like to move til i get on the gas pretty good.. it feels like the brakes are dragging but they aren't.. i know the alignment isn't near right but can't imagine it making the car drag this bad.
Hot and humid here, 65% which is high for us. Moved to DeSoto up by the shop door so I can clean it up for a show Saturday. I was sweating my *** off, got it moved and lost all motivation.