Sometimes I pretend to be normal
Goooooooooood Morning FABO!!!!
This storm looks like a good one. I hope it just misses me.
Whats up Frankie? Are you quitting? LOL I want to do the same thing. I wish I could sell most of it off and even sell the house. Just too much work as I get older.
The storm starts here in Iowa. The snow is just about done but it sounds like as the storm goes east it will gain strength. 2 feet of snow and 40 mph winds sounds like quite a blizzard. Stay safe ! tmm
i feel for ya guys back in the N E. weather guys says looks like RECORD!? wow! a 6 incher here gets hours of T V time here in s w Mo.!!!!!
maybe this Jan thaw here have had here for the last week will get to the N E! Naw probably not! LOL
Sounds like a good time. Wish I was going. First cup down. I have to prep for the next storm, 5-7 predicted and cold. I also have to pull my favorite car out of a pile of snow. It slid down from the ramp into the garage into a pile of plowed snow. Really pissed me off it was parked! I am convinced it is someone that came back and is haunting me. This house was a funeral home in the 1840's!
Better not be any snow down there, I'm heading that way in the morning!
I don't plan on quitting completely. I figure if 78 is the average life expectancy I have 16 years of Saturdays. That comes to 832 Saturdays left. I plan on living a little longer than average. I haven't smoked in 32 years and only drink moderately so I feel I gained a few. But I have to subtract for the Honey do list which I figure equals 1/2 to 3/4 of the 832. But if I can work on her list some evenings maybe I can get back to 832. Now here is just a partial list of what I have in projects all needing restored...1972 Challenger, 1970 Dart Swinger, 1975 Dart Swinger, 86 Shortbed truck, 1969 Truck as well as a 69 W300 a 70 D300 and I won't even start on motorcycles. Oh and a tractor or 3...There just are not enough Saturdays and the old saying of "The fox that chase 2 rabbits gets neither one!" holds true here.
Mornin All, 54 degrees and sunny in Central Florida.
Coffee and the Smoker. I've got the smoker all set up and cooking. On the menu are 12 lbs of pork ribs along with the loin and 2 nice fat chickens, all rubbed with a Chipolte mix. That pretty much fills the racks, I could squeeze in a little more but I think I'll leave it for better smoke circulation.
The chip box is filled with course Oak shaving planed from a good sized log pulled from my property. 2 qts of water in the wet tray and Gas heat.
4 spd, It is a really cool old log cabin from 1802 and we did not know it was a morticians place until recently. My daughter always said she saw ghosts, but I blew it off. If she find out what the house was used for I will never hear the end of it. That will go to my grave!
Cool, so originally a cabin? Then a funeral home? Wow, the noises/activity that must go on there.
What time do you want us over? I will bring a fork and knife!
I never had an issue really. It is a pain to work on, the main part is a log cabin then over the years extensions were put on. I would love to take off the siding and see what it would look like. Found some crazy stuff in the basement, a wad of money from the 1900's, a powder flask, hand wrought chain, half of an 1800's grenade and a noose! I really want to investigate the dirt floor basement with a metal detector but there are so many nails, scrap embedded in it it is almost impossible. The previous owner was a contractor and there was a dumpster of crap in it.