Stop in for a cup of coffee

I got kinfolk inbound as well. And today is move in day for the young farm hand that helps me out. He is renting the barndominium. Fundamentally a good kid but has made a few bad decisions and has created a bit of strife within his family. He is working at making changes and continues to show determination to improve. A old fart helped me out once upon a time when the whole world thought I was a turd. I am giving this young man the same opportunity that was given to me. Gotta pay it back don’t ya know.
Well we busted the 283 off in Mr. Buddy's 65 Chevy truck tonight. Ran it up for about 30 minutes and broke the cam in. It sounds really good. It's a warm feelin to see an 80 year old man jumpin up and down like a little kid. lol I'll take some video when I go back next. I wasn't worried about all that showy stuff tonight. I just wanted it to go well and it did.
May make it to 70 today.
Going to try and get all the connections done. I think there is 8. Just headlights and front signals. No, theres 10 connections. Using uninsulated terminals, solder on some and heat shrink. Need to find a spot for a good body ground. I found only one 16 gauge wire so far. Its crazy how bad some stuff was on such a high end car.
I see it all the time on 100 point car stuff. Amazing as long as it looks good I guess?
Since 0430, we’ve had 3.1 inches of rain… and it still coming down.
House cleaning. There seem to be a lot of that going on lately. John Deere here and other midwest locations have laid off or dismissed thousands of employees due to "a downturn in the ag economy". They have been chopping through the non union white collar workers. Axing employees with decades of service to the company and offering no severance or early retirement from what I have heard.