Stop in for a cup of coffee

House cleaning. There seem to be a lot of that going on lately. John Deere here and other midwest locations have laid off or dismissed thousands of employees due to "a downturn in the ag economy". They have been chopping through the non union white collar workers. Axing employees with decades of service to the company and offering no severance or early retirement from what I have heard.
The economy is in shambles. Should be obvious to everyone. Needs repaired, no matter the cause...
The economy is in shambles. Should be obvious to everyone. Needs repaired, no matter the cause...
Shambles? other than the GDP way up, producing more oil than any country in the history of the planet (by a lot) inflation reduction and economy recovery better than any other nation.. and the stock market soaring... Lovin me some shambles....
ANRA? Oh, nostalgia. I would like that.
Last time I went to an ANRA event I had a good time.

Shambles? other than the GDP way up, producing more oil than any country in the history of the planet (by a lot) inflation reduction and economy recovery better than any other nation.. and the stock market soaring... Lovin me some shambles....
Prices are very high. On everything.
Shambles? other than the GDP way up, producing more oil than any country in the history of the planet (by a lot) inflation reduction and economy recovery better than any other nation.. and the stock market soaring... Lovin me some shambles....
And stock market is not a good indicator of a thriving economy...
I know one thing, I sure would not want to be 20 starting out my adult life in this economy..
man.. i feel horrible for kids.. it's absolutely insane now. i was in my 20s in the 90s and it wasn't too bad yet.. right now i don't know how anyone is supposed to survive
Might get a chance today to put transmission back in 66...been busy and out of town..