Stop in for a cup of coffee

House cleaning. There seem to be a lot of that going on lately. John Deere here and other midwest locations have laid off or dismissed thousands of employees due to "a downturn in the ag economy". They have been chopping through the non union white collar workers. Axing employees with decades of service to the company and offering no severance or early retirement from what I have heard.
Maybe not a downturn in ag economy, farmers arent spending the money on new machinery. That and who wants to risk big money on a new machine that are notorious for breakdowns, and poor service?
Little to nothing done so far. Buddy has a bad shake when braking,56 chevy. But rear drums on lathe, wow!
Tell me drinking Whiskey and You Tube doesn't pay! This is nuts!
Speaking of waste products.

gasoline was originally considered a waste product of the petroleum industry. When Edwin Drake drilled the first crude oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859, his goal was to produce kerosene for lighting, not gasoline. The gasoline produced as a byproduct was often discarded, burned at the refinery, or used as a gaseous fuel for gas lights. However, in 1892, the invention of the automobile led to the recognition of gasoline as a valuable fuel. By the early 20th century, gasoline was widely used as an important source of energy because gas engines were more efficient and powerful than early electric motors.
Speaking of waste products.

gasoline was originally considered a waste product of the petroleum industry. When Edwin Drake drilled the first crude oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859, his goal was to produce kerosene for lighting, not gasoline. The gasoline produced as a byproduct was often discarded, burned at the refinery, or used as a gaseous fuel for gas lights. However, in 1892, the invention of the automobile led to the recognition of gasoline as a valuable fuel. By the early 20th century, gasoline was widely used as an important source of energy because gas engines were more efficient and powerful than early electric motors.
Nice history lesson. Now for a little chemistry. A barrel of crude has many different components and basically it is distilled and those elements come off at different temperatures. Here's a great little 3 min. video that shows what comes out of a barrel of crude. If you need more gas you will also have more diesel (or other products) and those may be priced cheaper to sell them faster. (waste product)

Nice history lesson. Now for a little chemistry. A barrel of crude has many different components and basically it is distilled and those elements come off at different temperatures. Here's a great little 3 min. video that shows what comes out of a barrel of crude. If you need more gas you will also have more diesel (or other products) and those may be priced cheaper to sell them faster. (waste product)

That was the old days. NOW diesel is its own product, derived from kerosene....from Canada's oil sands....
Slow going. Loom and clamping harness is a pain. Getting there. Still havent made a single connection yet. Did get gas drained though.
A few more! Even found an old Mopar! It’s nice to take a step back in time to simpler days. I have a JD 40C crawler like the ones in the pictures. Funny thing is one of these ones is owned by a guy in my own town!! What are the odds??










Back at the hotel taking a break from the heat, it was nice this morning, but its a balmy 94 now here in Springfield Missouri. Treva and I got here early and parked 30 feet from the line you see, its been a great day of treasure hunting, going back (6 miles away from hotel) at 3pm and enjoy another 4 hours, bigger then Monster Mopar in St. Louis.

I like those shows. One of my favorites is about ten miles from me. Albany Pioneer Days- a 4 day event. More than400 tractors, 500 gas engines, 2 huge Stationary steam engines, cars and trucks, music, swap meet, even a Barber shop.
I like those shows. One of my favorites is about ten miles from me. Albany Pioneer Days- a 4 day event. More than400 tractors, 500 gas engines, 2 huge Stationary steam engines, cars and trucks, music, swap meet, even a Barber shop.
We have a steam engine museum here. They also have a blacksmith display. I donated my father in laws old antique forge and anvil to them. He would be happy
Maybe not a downturn in ag economy, farmers arent spending the money on new machinery. That and who wants to risk big money on a new machine that are notorious for breakdowns, and poor service?
Completely disagree about the ag economy. Corn and Soybeans are down nearly 40 percent , while seed cost is up 300 percent and Nitrogen , herbicides and fertilizers are up 1500 percent. Cattle prices are flat, hog prices are down, feed lots charging higher seller fees than before , packers charging more. Bottomline, farmers are making less net per bushel and per pound than at any time since 1960. That’s not even counting diesel cost or equipment cost. Lots of small farmers gonna go under if this continues.

That and the amount of farm ground in the corn bet states has shrunk by an average of 230,000 acres per state since last year. The largest on record decline since 1934…
House cleaning. There seem to be a lot of that going on lately. John Deere here and other midwest locations have laid off or dismissed thousands of employees due to "a downturn in the ag economy". They have been chopping through the non union white collar workers. Axing employees with decades of service to the company and offering no severance or early retirement from what I have heard.
John Deere is being boycotted for there CEOs announced woke policies, farmers in droves are boycotting them all over. Combine that with the fact they took a big check from the Mexican government to relocate their factories from Iowa and Indiana to Mexico, that’s why they’re laying off.
Afternoon from Cortez CO, been camping and just got a signal. Stopped for fuel and lunch on the way home some pics from the valley of the ancients.





Got my sons collage of stuff he manage to collect from power tour put on a poster board and hung up in his room today
