Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, guess its time to buy some air tags. Found this in there after i noticed it missing :lol: dumbass..
Lutrell ???
Both of them!

After being asked, I participated in a study group with Morgan (who is a Congressman from Texas) And Marcus Luttrell and my Congresswoman on a proposed bill to enhance veteran benefits and to get control of the Wild West that is the VA claims process
Also get to meet with the congress woman and her staff later on to help draft the bill she’s working on…

Son of botch, did I just get roped into politics. :BangHead::BangHead::mob:
There was an item I was looking at the other day... $10 start bid, $15 "Buy it now".

Seemed like a lot of work for five bucks
I'll do a few extra clicks for 5 bucks. But when you get to the end and they throw up another hoop to jump through....:mad:
And you liked it. :poke:
I like the part about possibly being able to expand benefits to the national Guard and Reserves and getting the VA to actually follow the laws passed by Congress. That part I like. The Partisan drama, I hate and will hate. But I feel that as the only veteran that attended that has spent time in the Guard/Reserves and knows first hand the fight we go through just to use benefits already granted to us by Congress, I have a chance to possibly make it easier for the next generation.

She hot? Can be the sugar Momma!
You decide. She’s a bit old for me haha. She’s mid 40s

Brakes still suck. Brother wanted to switch to 4 wheel disk power. It was his car. But engine not enough vacuum to operate power booster. Soooo.
I went to crew with my workmate at Famoso with his SC/Dragster. Get the car out of the trailer it has it's skinnies on the drive axle for trailer clearance. Take those off and find drum brakes :wtf: . Car was built by Alan Johnson of Kalitta one of his early creations. Jack says "Think about it. Drums are lighter than Discs". Couldn't argue with him, car always ran under index right out of trailer :thumbsup:
My 70 Cuda has manual drum brakes. Build sheet says HD Brake Option. Measured, Sure enough, they are 11 inch drums, front and rear. I think I'm Ok with that..... :thumbsup: