Stop in for a cup of coffee

That’s usually the argument in my house, but it’s my husband saying save it just in case :rofl:
:BangHead: :BangHead: Beautiful oak. Fun to see how the cabinet maker put them together. If I had a wood shop I could make a fun table out of them or something. But i'm not. :lol:
That’s usually the argument in my house, but it’s my husband saying save it just in case :rofl:
we have that problem here in the farm. I say keep it just in case, even if it’s been sitting unused new in a box. Or even used. Odds are, it’ll be needed at some point. But in the only one of the 5 saying that. Everyone else has this toss it if it’s not used immediately complex.

Guess who’s proven right more times than not… me.

You’d think after dozens of trips to town(minimum 20 minute drive one way) and paying for things multiple times, or overpaying for overnight shipping, they’d learn. But not yet….
Go get a Workmate, add a couple coats of SparVar, instant outside table :D



Taking the Mrs to hospital to try to deliver our baby girl, say some prayers all goes ok
Morning all
Another glorious work day, weather guesser says hotter than crap today with high humidity.
This should be fun!
The blasting procedure begins today on my Cuda. He says schedule my Tow Guy to pick it up after 12 noon tomorrow....
Let the Fun begin.... :thumbsup:
Both unions on top of the water tank have small leaks :( will try tightening them more when i get home tonight... if that doesn't work it's indian head time
BTW... good morning.. my whole body hurts.. 3 years of inactivity is making me pay the price
So, when you guys get stung by a hornet/wasp, how long does the swelling/itching last?
So, when you guys get stung by a hornet/wasp, how long does the swelling/itching last?
day and a half/2 days for me.. only been stung once, ran over a ground nest i didn't know was there. Little fuckers, they met fire that day. Everyone reacts differently to a sting though.

P.S. Hydrocortisone cream helps a ton..
A few more hours, should have shop in order. Maybe some mowing today as well.
day and a half/2 days for me.. only been stung once, ran over a ground nest i didn't know was there. Little fuckers, they met fire that day. Everyone reacts differently to a sting though.

P.S. Hydrocortisone cream helps a ton..
I like fire