Stop in for a cup of coffee

There's the interior...

Smidge of debris in there, Eh?

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View attachment 1716297177
This is the problem

Power keeps dropping in and out... Gave up on being under the car.

Rain coming down at about an inch and a quarter per hour.
I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till Heav’n I’ve found,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
Finaly getting at my well pump that has not worked right in ages. Main issue resolved - replaced the injector in the well today. Had a stone in it. Lucky it worked at all. Still going to change out the pump and tank. Tank bladder is aparently shot. So tank is useless. It runs as needed to make pressure. But it actually builds pressure too fast now. Gonna burn out the switch cycling...

We went up to the almost new Black Cap Brewery in town tonight. Pretty cool place. In a repurposed furniture factory. 2nd time we were there. Had a Fuego burger, tots and a couple brews.
Cleaned out the frame rails as much as I could with coat hanger wires and a long, bottle brush. Shop vac got a lot... And so did my face. Extracted an old mouse nest out of there as well as mud wasp nests.
Floor above the tank was in good shape.

Would there have originally been a mat or some sort of anti vibration stuff up there?



I'm having a 3 course pie dinner.

Beef pot pie, cherry pie, and the Brownie lady will be over later. No Brownie just Pie. Can't out a picture of that here wrong forum.
