Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning gunslingers

You can really tell the days are getting shorter. Finally finished up the lawn mowing last night. It was dark by the time that I put the mower back.
Setting up range by caver light this morning! Not enough light in the day!

Good Morning to all who are here and those who are to come....arrive. And to you who left and will return
Think today is finish up the fall shop blow out. Holy crap the other day I drained the oil catcher into a drum to give to a friend that burns it in his shop. Crap the pest control guy comes I had pressure on it to drain it 5 psi and shook his hand and the dam spout came out of the barrel. oil all over us and the shop floor. Lesson learned bungie cord it on the barrel from now on!

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Those are an air powered spill waiting to happen.
Another nice day.
37 needs rear end put back into place, after making the bushings.
And final kick at the wiring. Just have to wrap wiring between fusebox and floor.
And i should mow the back 2.
I would love to see this someday
It is really cool. People are all amazing to. I have never seen a race event with so much help, borrow, fix, donate, mentor, etc. Whatcha need...let me look. What broke? Bring it over, I'll weld it. What isn't legal? We can fix that....
This will be a stupid question but I really am ignorant but is there a good place for a person to sit and observe? Or is the run too long?
There are places, would need binoculars or be near the starting line. We will be in the push truck for our guy. Rest we will see from the line and listen to the announcements.
So, I was asked how my car is coming. I mentioned putting more bars in and it lead to, it's about energy transfer. Where does it go, where does it stop? Everything supported and moved to another place. Weight balance, etc. His streamliner is 37' long. 49% 51% balance, wet with driver. Cg and Cp sorted.... what great talks.
That guy was crazy but what is just about as crazy is the bikes on the streets today.