Stop in for a cup of coffee

I only have 1 key for my car... i wonder if hardware stores even have blanks for old mopar keys now..
Member here has them. Believe it or not I got schooled on them at Carlisle. There are like 6 different blanks. Two hours of lock talk. Guy knows his stuff. Warren? C body guy
Member here has them. Believe it or not I got schooled on them at Carlisle. There are like 6 different blanks. Two hours of lock talk. Guy knows his stuff. Warren? C body guy
I didn't know that.. thought there was 1 for ignition and one for locks
I didn't know that.. thought there was 1 for ignition and one for locks
Look at the keys most have a letter on it all about the groves! Thought the same thing also. Basically, how far in they can be inserted if I remember right.

He used to hang out quite a bit. Have not seen him in a few years. He is in FL and used to amtrack his car to Baltimore and then ride it to Carlisle. Great idea there ride in comfort and around the same as gas would be. He had a boat for sure.
Tell you what I am still learning stuff on distributors. I bet any part on the car is like that. We have some good experts around here luckily. Craig at Mobile parts, Dragonslayer for hemi stuff, Karl SBM, slant six Dan etc

BTW... that NFL player/cop video came out.. the cops were 100% in the right.
Ehhh I’m not so sure. As an MP, I’m usually on the side of the LEO but this one gives me pause. Seems like a HUGE over reaction on the cops part. Yeah I get the whole window up and down thing, but that doesn’t warrant pulling the guy out of his car and cuffing him. I see a lot of due process rights violations there. Plus I fail to see them being able to establish probable cause to even open his vehicle, rolling your window up isn’t gonna fly in most courts as PC. And the supreme court has ruled multiple times that speeding alone isn’t probable cause to detain or arrest or even conduct a search.
Ehhh I’m not so sure. As an MP, I’m usually on the side of the LEO but this one gives me pause. Seems like a HUGE over reaction on the cops part. Yeah I get the whole window up and down thing, but that doesn’t warrant pulling the guy out of his car and cuffing him. I see a lot of due process rights violations there. Plus I fail to see them being able to establish probable cause to even open his vehicle, rolling your window up isn’t gonna fly in most courts as PC. And the supreme court has ruled multiple times that speeding alone isn’t probable cause to detain or arrest or even conduct a search.
I know quite a few cops here and one thing they all hate are blacked out windows, can't see in, can't see if they have a weapon or what they are doing.. The second he refused to put that window down he was fucked. Cops have to protect themselves...
One thing i don't get honestly is why some people make being pulled over into this massive ordeal.... roll down the windows, yes sir.. no sir.... thank you sir.. get a ticket for whatever stupid **** and move on.
@Icetech agree 100%. I know a number of LEO’s and they all say that if you don’t cop an attitude with them, they will try to work with you. If you’re a jerk, they will treat you the same way. I have a CPL and the times I’ve gotten pulled over ( it’s been many years since I have) I have always volunteered that I have a CPL and if I am or am not carrying that day. They have always thanked me and never once have I been asked to give them my weapon. Treat them as you wish to be treated.
@Icetech agree 100%. I know a number of LEO’s and they all say that if you don’t cop an attitude with them, they will try to work with you. If you’re a jerk, they will treat you the same way. I have a CPL and the times I’ve gotten pulled over ( it’s been many years since I have) I have always volunteered that I have a CPL and if I am or am not carrying that day. They have always thanked me and never once have I been asked to give them my weapon. Treat them as you wish to be treated.
Yeah, i had a buddy growing up that would always take a swing at cops when they pulled him over (always for **** he deserved to be pulled over for) would just get his *** beat and sit in jail...

There isn't a single time being an asshole to a cop has paid off... it's not like they are gonna go "Ohh.. he's being mean to me i better let him go and just leave"
Member here has them. Believe it or not I got schooled on them at Carlisle. There are like 6 different blanks. Two hours of lock talk. Guy knows his stuff. Warren? C body guy
I still have a Curtis key machine that I brought home from the auto parts store with many of the blanks. I have most of the Mopar blanks in case I need them later. Oh, Good Morning Mopar Mad Men.....
I still have a Curtis key machine that I brought home from the auto parts store with many of the blanks. I have most of the Mopar blanks in case I need them later. Oh, Good Morning Mopar Mad Men.....
Nice machine there have seen it
I see a nice nitch if your retired and just want to do something. There is a demand for having the locks and ignitions coded the same, pretty easy also. I see lock rebuilding kits and key cutters also with the books. Really not terrible around 400 for a great started kit. Now no idea how consumable parts availability is.