Stop in for a cup of coffee

Heard back from Espo, they do make over height springs they just don't do the SS type where one is taller than the other. Great pricing, asked for a quote for the plus two.
Heard back from Espo, they do make over height springs they just don't do the SS type where one is taller than the other. Great pricing, asked for a quote for the plus two.
Just make sure you know the right weight of your car.. i was like 300# off cause my title lied.
I know quite a few cops here and one thing they all hate are blacked out windows, can't see in, can't see if they have a weapon or what they are doing.. The second he refused to put that window down he was fucked. Cops have to protect themselves...
I agree there. But I’m just saying from a purely legal standpoint, he doesn’t HAVE to roll his window down. Or even unlock his doors.
One thing i don't get honestly is why some people make being pulled over into this massive ordeal.... roll down the windows, yes sir.. no sir.... thank you sir.. get a ticket for whatever stupid **** and move on.
@Icetech agree 100%. I know a number of LEO’s and they all say that if you don’t cop an attitude with them, they will try to work with you. If you’re a jerk, they will treat you the same way. I have a CPL and the times I’ve gotten pulled over ( it’s been many years since I have) I have always volunteered that I have a CPL and if I am or am not carrying that day. They have always thanked me and never once have I been asked to give them my weapon. Treat them as you wish to be treated.
Not always true. Last March I got pulled over and the state cop was immediately screaming at me before he even got to the car. I didn’t even know why I was being pulled over but as soon as he got behind me on a busy highway, he hit his lights, I pulled over immediately into a church parking lot that was right there, like less than 100 feet from where he hit his lights. He then gunned it and sped past, I waited a few minutes, then got back out on the highway. A mile later I see him traveling fast the opposite direction with lights and sirens on , he flies thru the median, gets behind me again and on the PA ordered me to pull over, which I did while hitting the SOS button on my steering wheel. The 911 dispatcher was able to overhear everything from the very first initial thing he screamed and had a county deputy nearby come see what was up. State cop threatened to arrest me, impound my car and have CPS take my 8 yr old son. All before even asking for my license. Luckily the deputy arrived within a minute and was able to get the cop to calm down.

The reason I was pulled over? I’d accidentally put the renewal plate from my other vehicle on to the Durango and the the durangos plate on the jeep by pure accident. State boy wrote me a ticket, I immediately called the prosecutor, talked to her and supplied her with my GPS data, my registrations and the dash cam footage from my own Durango which caught everything. She immediately dismissed the charges. And lodged a misconduct complaint on my behalf to his supervisors.
That's going to be a tough one as car was a /6 and will have a 340 in it and possibly a different trans.
just look up a stock 340 car, or people that have weighed theirs... my title says my car is #3050 and there is no way that's possible...
Last time I got pulled over was a freaking mess. There WAS a *** hole trooper in the local barracks, rookie with a attitude. Just in the Cobalt in town with the daughter. Nothing I was doing wrong. Get pulled over, Being nice as can be. Holy crap he tried to get me going but I was killing it with kindness. He does a drug look at me , has me out of the car walking the line etc. Daughter is laughing her *** off I was very anti-drug at that time. He is really pushing it on me. I actually wanted to take a swing at him, but we know how that will end. He cuffs me puts me on the curb, remember its Halifax, PA people I know are driving by yelling my name blowing horns etc. I am seriously pissed finally asked him why he pulled me over. Because my plate OIF veteran plate is partially covered. WITH A RETIRED VETERAN surround. Finally releases me after no crap like a hour in cuffs. See him in his car later that day guess what he has a plate surround. Called the desk SGT who I served with in the guard told him the story, sent a local sheriff to pull him over for the same thing. He is gone now was caught stealing from a crime site. Asswipe!
Last time I got pulled over was a freaking mess. There WAS a *** hole trooper in the local barracks, rookie with a attitude. Just in the Cobalt in town with the daughter. Nothing I was doing wrong. Get pulled over, Being nice as can be. Holy crap he tried to get me going but I was killing it with kindness. He does a drug look at me , has me out of the car walking the line etc. Daughter is laughing her *** off I was very anti-drug at that time. He is really pushing it on me. I actually wanted to take a swing at him, but we know how that will end. He cuffs me puts me on the curb, remember its Halifax, PA people I know are driving by yelling my name blowing horns etc. I am seriously pissed finally asked him why he pulled me over. Because my plate OIF veteran plate is partially covered. WITH A RETIRED VETERAN surround. Finally releases me after no crap like a hour in cuffs. See him in his car later that day guess what he has a plate surround. Called the desk SGT who I served with in the guard told him the story, sent a local sheriff to pull him over for the same thing. He is gone now was caught stealing from a crime site. Asswipe!
Assholes in every job.... :(

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Long day.
The 37, im calling it done. For this year. This is what i found when i went to fill master cylinder. I suctioned it out,wiped it dry and refilled. Cycled pedal a few times and emptied refilled it a few times. So its better than when it came here. Then dragged out the firebird stuff, start on it tomorrow.

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Good thing you checked.
Good Morning all. Bouncing around the backread it appears I missed a birthday @Frodee. So, a belated Happy Birthday Fred. She will bring your cake over when she finishes checking the icing. If she gets it on her you may need to clean her up.

I agree there. But I’m just saying from a purely legal standpoint, he doesn’t HAVE to roll his window down. Or even unlock his doors.


Not always true. Last March I got pulled over and the state cop was immediately screaming at me before he even got to the car. I didn’t even know why I was being pulled over but as soon as he got behind me on a busy highway, he hit his lights, I pulled over immediately into a church parking lot that was right there, like less than 100 feet from where he hit his lights. He then gunned it and sped past, I waited a few minutes, then got back out on the highway. A mile later I see him traveling fast the opposite direction with lights and sirens on , he flies thru the median, gets behind me again and on the PA ordered me to pull over, which I did while hitting the SOS button on my steering wheel. The 911 dispatcher was able to overhear everything from the very first initial thing he screamed and had a county deputy nearby come see what was up. State cop threatened to arrest me, impound my car and have CPS take my 8 yr old son. All before even asking for my license. Luckily the deputy arrived within a minute and was able to get the cop to calm down.

The reason I was pulled over? I’d accidentally put the renewal plate from my other vehicle on to the Durango and the the durangos plate on the jeep by pure accident. State boy wrote me a ticket, I immediately called the prosecutor, talked to her and supplied her with my GPS data, my registrations and the dash cam footage from my own Durango which caught everything. She immediately dismissed the charges. And lodged a misconduct complaint on my behalf to his supervisors.
There’s good cops and bad cops-just like any profession. I am fully aware of the bad ones that think they are above the law (similar to a lot of politicians these days) and I’ve experienced a few over the years. The last time I remember getting pulled over, I was on my way to NAPA to get some parts to fix the one brake light that was out on my truck. They closed at 6 and it was probably 5:40-ish when I got pulled over. He asked me where I was going and I said to NAPA to get parts to fix my brake light! He laughed and said that was why he pulled me over! Ran my license and let me go. He did follow me to the parts store
Now, state cops-I have my concerns with them. They were shutting down businesses during COVID because of the governor’s illegal edict on essential and non-essential businesses. They lost a TON of credibility with me over that.
Last time I got pulled over was a freaking mess. There WAS a *** hole trooper in the local barracks, rookie with a attitude. Just in the Cobalt in town with the daughter. Nothing I was doing wrong. Get pulled over, Being nice as can be. Holy crap he tried to get me going but I was killing it with kindness. He does a drug look at me , has me out of the car walking the line etc. Daughter is laughing her *** off I was very anti-drug at that time. He is really pushing it on me. I actually wanted to take a swing at him, but we know how that will end. He cuffs me puts me on the curb, remember its Halifax, PA people I know are driving by yelling my name blowing horns etc. I am seriously pissed finally asked him why he pulled me over. Because my plate OIF veteran plate is partially covered. WITH A RETIRED VETERAN surround. Finally releases me after no crap like a hour in cuffs. See him in his car later that day guess what he has a plate surround. Called the desk SGT who I served with in the guard told him the story, sent a local sheriff to pull him over for the same thing. He is gone now was caught stealing from a crime site. Asswipe!
I was one of the 27,000 fined over Labor day. My registration had run out on the Neon while I was in Alaska. The cop said why are you shaking so bad? I didn't realize I was...I thought he was going to get me out and search my car because of the papers and chit on the seat. (it is bad) I just said I am nervous because I don't have a clue what I did.
I see a nice nitch if your retired and just want to do something. There is a demand for having the locks and ignitions coded the same, pretty easy also. I see lock rebuilding kits and key cutters also with the books. Really not terrible around 400 for a great started kit. Now no idea how consumable parts availability is.
Is that a hint?