Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'm not sleeping in his trailer! I am out under the stars! They are huge tonight and they look like street lights!
I also got a new metal sign for the garage. This one is enamel on heavy metal plate similar to the Walker signs. I haven't hung it yet because my daughter wants to help me do it tomorrow.

Bee sign.jpg
Well, the kids are home and dinner's done...

I'm gonna go hang out with Doug for a while...

Smell you all later....
If any of you Carlisle goers finds a reasonably priced set of GTS hubcaps, Eddie is looking for some. Not the $200 per set ones, something more affordable in a daily driver. If you can get a number for him if you see any...
witch ones does he want?
Same here. If I get much more of a tan I'm afraid I will start getting pulled over more frequently.
I won't ***** about the weather here today. 69 degrees this morning. Feels almost cold! And no triple digits forecasted for a change... and it's Friday!
I like the hot weather. I know where I'm going when my time comes. Besides I've never had to shovel a sunbeam to get to my car. Everyday is Friday to me.