Stop in for a cup of coffee

You know, fast food joints really have some nerve dictating people's lives and when they can eat some items and not others.

Burgerz should be a 24 hour thing. Then on top of the mind control, you can't get breakfast in the afternoon.

It's a conspiracy, i know it
One of the reasons i cook em at home, whatever i want, whenever i want!
And have it your way !! Good morning ! Been Drinkin yet :rofl:
You know, fast food joints really have some nerve dictating people's lives and when they can eat some items and not others.

Burgerz should be a 24 hour thing. Then on top of the mind control, you can't get breakfast in the afternoon.

Mickey D sells breakfast 24 /7 in our area. I won't touch the junk. Maybe an egg mcnuthin once or twice a year but that's it.
Carlisle to go see Mitch!
Taking the firechicken, needs the top down for a change. Ron and his wife is coming also!
Had a member come over yesterday for the slant short block kind of a fiasco A bolt pulled out when we were lifting it then after that was fixed it went into his trunk and the spotter at least it was him was not paying attention and we bent the trunk lid a bit, It is gone though!
Oop's gotta run, new rear goes in today, Victoria getting a bubble but look I guess :lol:
Going to sit back and check out the new Ghostbusters movie this morning. I've had it for about a week. I'll give it a chance.
Marilyn says hello when you coming back she asked. you two have something going on I should know of there Ben?