Stop in for a cup of coffee

Is it normal to not get barely any sleep after losing a spouse? I have been averaging about 3 hours sleep every night since Dee died. Also is normal to wish that when I do sleep that I do not ever want to wake up? Just wondering. I have been very much alone since before Dee died and the "friends" Dee and I had when she was alive have been invisible and have not even inquired as to how Gina and I are doing. Maybe that's how it is in the south? Or maybe because they are all married couples they do not want to bother with a grieving old man. But when times were better they had no problem asking for help with broken appliances which I gladly helped them with including providing them with free service and repairs and one couple a stainless kitchen makeover for free. But they did not even have the decency to show up at Dee's memorial. I do not know. I just know that life is a very lonely place and I feel as though I have been sentenced to a life of emptiness. I literally feel that life has no meaning anymore. Sorry about this post or if I have offended anyone.
it all sounds pretty normal Tom - in time your friends will start come by again - there is a certain level of discomfort after someone passes, they don't want to upset you or "make it any worse" for you so they back off and give you the space they think you need... the emptiness is totally normal too - time my brother, it takes time.
I may have to get me one of these for the garage.
so yea, hazy hot and f%^k this here again today... I got those Victotech valve cover gaskets and I might go out there and pop those on - other than that - I am summer hibernating
now you gotta go play with your parts..........
Yea, I suppose YOU could say that.
so yea, hazy hot and f%^k this here again today... I got those Victotech valve cover gaskets and I might go out there and pop those on - other than that - I am summer hibernating
Not too bad here today. Broke 90 for 3-4 days in a row and only mid 80s today. Lower humidity...
Yea, I suppose YOU could say that.

Not too bad here today. Broke 90 for 3-4 days in a row and only mid 80s today. Lower humidity...
LOL -- I just lobbed it over the plate - no one took the bait... knock knock - anyone out there! LOL Ben is work bound I bet and the others are jinked up with the swap meet...
yep - a quick back read - Ben is off. Ray is off. Wolfie may or may not be here - seems he likes the stealth mode. Memike is getting his rear end fixed. I think Rani does the stealth mode thing too.. I think she lurks more than anyone will ever know...
Should be an awesome day there. Probably one of the best days weather wise they had in years. Usually hot like yesterday or rain. Probably gonna be packed. It can be kinda crazy Saturday even in bad weather. Chris mentioned cart rental. I bet they can barely get through the aisle this morning. Some of the one person scooters, but golf carts are usually people that work there.
Is it normal to not get barely any sleep after losing a spouse? I have been averaging about 3 hours sleep every night since Dee died. Also is normal to wish that when I do sleep that I do not ever want to wake up? Just wondering. I have been very much alone since before Dee died and the "friends" Dee and I had when she was alive have been invisible and have not even inquired as to how Gina and I are doing. Maybe that's how it is in the south? Or maybe because they are all married couples they do not want to bother with a grieving old man. But when times were better they had no problem asking for help with broken appliances which I gladly helped them with including providing them with free service and repairs and one couple a stainless kitchen makeover for free. But they did not even have the decency to show up at Dee's memorial. I do not know. I just know that life is a very lonely place and I feel as though I have been sentenced to a life of emptiness. I literally feel that life has no meaning anymore. Sorry about this post or if I have offended anyone.
Absolutely it's normal. While everyone grieves in their own way, it's not uncommon to lose sleep or not sleep at all. Especially a spouse where everything in the house reminds you of them. You'll adapt eventually. Best thing you can do is tell yourself that Dee would want you not to stress over her and that she is in a better and happy place.

As for your so called friends. Ive always thought that in tines of tragedy, that's when you learn who is truly your friend. It sucks. Really does.

I don't you personally but do know this, I'll gladly make myself available if you need or want to vent and relieve some pressure to someone.

Depression is no joke. If you feel yourself losing control and thinking of bad things, please, for your daughters sake as well as yours call someone. Heck call me.

Good luck and God bless
I really didn't take many pics yesterday. Partly cause you can barely see what you are getting on cell screen out in the sun. Here's one @Rainy Day Auto should appreciate.

2016-07-15 20.17.27.jpg
I did take at least a dozen shots of the engine bay of this 75 Duster slant six car in the Survivor tent. Probably the only one I have seen since I started rebuilding mine. There was a 74 on the showfield with under 12K miles on it, but that was an 8 and some stuff changed. Enough that I would not consider it a reference car.

2016-07-15 20.13.47.jpg

2016-07-16 09.18.24.jpg