Good morning, I'm caught up now...lots of hunters around here but never see deer meat or jerky for sale, or see it on menus, you have to know someone.
You guys would shake your heads at the absurd stuff going on at work. My coworker got a bad report from a "secret shopper" visit and got suspended for 5 days. We met with the trainer from the rating company, instead of discussing the report, she had us form teams and play "truth or dare." Then she and the GM came in for dinner and I had to serve them painfully following all the standards they want us to do, such as never saying "um" or "ok" and telling interesting stories about everything on the menu while being "discreet," and other ridiculous picky things that normal guests don't care about.
Having a wine test on Beaujolais today, better do well, I wouldn't want to be suspended! Sheesh....