Stop in for a cup of coffee

Two salmon are swimming upstream when one of them bumps his head on a cement wall... :BangHead:

He looks at his friend and says, "Dam".... :rolleyes:
They better make sure that their homeowner's insurance is paid up.... :(
wont matter, federal insurance law, you can only be insured for flood damage if you live in a flood plain, the feds determine who is and isnt a flood plain. That is why Katrina was so devasting and there are still law suits on that one. a huge % of the people affected in Katrina weren't in the federal defined flood plain and therefore, could not get flood insurance. So when Katrina happened, they were SOL for any losses from the flood. The feds define flood plains and the rate at which you pay, then the feds pay your insurance company who then pays you. When I sold insurance, I HATED flood insurance quotes, I mean HATED
some big dam about to bust ?

Someone should stick their finger in the dike... :popcorn:

Or is it dyke.... :p


I got a Rolex for Christmas from some rich lesbian friends of mine... :D

I guess they misunderstood when I said, "I wanna watch"... :p
wont matter, federal insurance law, you can only be insured for flood damage if you live in a flood plain, the feds determine who is and isnt a flood plain. That is why Katrina was so devasting and there are still law suits on that one. a huge % of the people affected in Katrina weren't in the federal defined flood plain and therefore, could not get flood insurance. So when Katrina happened, they were SOL for any losses from the flood. The feds define flood plains and the rate at which you pay, then the feds pay your insurance company who then pays you. When I sold insurance, I HATED flood insurance quotes, I mean HATED

I guess they are up **** creek... :mob:

I guess they are up **** creek... :mob:

literally. You'd be surprised the number of people who live in low lying areas surrounding dams, rivers, spill ways that DONT have flood insurance. They think that because a flood hadnt happened in 24-30 years, they're ok with it unless their bank requires it(some do, some dont). Back in 2008, the entire city of Columbus Indiana flooded, in areas that NEVER had flooded in the history of the state. This was due to heavy rains that over pressured a dam and it failed, then the levis along the spill way failed. 98% of the city was not classified as a flood plain by the feds, thus only those along the river were even eligible. Federal aid didn't cover the losses, some were lucky and their insurance companies classified it as "storm damage" instead of a flood, most however, were not so lucky.
Best advice, if you live within a mile of a waterway, CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK with FEMA, not an insurance company, as to if you are eligible for flood insurance. Even if you're on high ground, CHECK!
If you know itsa flood area why do you build in it. I think they should sell ins to people near the flood plane
Ah good question. I've found from working in insurance there's 2 main reasons.

A: They didnt check with FEMA(who believe it or not, defines what is and isn't a flood plain and they (fema) screw this up OFTEN).

B: The bank, owner, builder, insurance company researched historical records and found that even though its a low lying area, there hadnt ever been a flood there. (IE Columbus Indiana in 2008 and parts of New Orleans in Katrina)

FEMA is the federal agency responsible for setting flood plain maps. The law is very pointed as the the boundary lines. Literally, I've had people not be eligible for flood insurance on their home because the boundary ran halfway thru their back yard. Also, FEMA fails to update these flood plains with any consistency nor do they take into account how man-made objects affect the water flow when floods due occur. Example, Columbus Indiana in 2008, another reason that town flooded fully was because just the year before, they'd spend millions creating a brand new, never existed before raised road north of the town that ran near the river, the few culverts put in were too small and too few to allow the water to flow outwards away from the town, instead, the water back filled the dam, which busted, then levi's along the spillways were breached and the rest is history.

Roads, housing developments etc, all affect the water run off and change the flood basin, but does anyone think of checking into this no. So what happens is this, a home built in say 2000 before the road was even planned or thought about was safe, no where near a flood plain, road is built in 2007, now they are in a flood plain and didnt even know the road put them in perile.
Insurance companys would sell flood insurance to you on top of a mountain if it was up to them. Lol
yeah, BUT think about this. Do you know that water damage from rain or a storm is only covered if "non-man caused?" Lets say you leave your upstairs windows open and go to work, then you slammed with a downpour, an inch an hour, end up with 6-7 inches of rain, you come home to find your house soaked from rain, dry wall peeling and falling, plaster coming off the ceiling. Guess what, NOT covered under insurance.
They would try to sell a plate of ribs to a rabbi.... :rolleyes:
which is why i sucked at selling insurance. I was too ethical to up sell someone something they didnt need. For example, say you own a 150,000 home. the company I worked for wanted you to try to sell the insurance on it for 150% of its value or what they called, re-construction costs,or 225,000 dollars. Not only does this increase your rate monthly, but this makes people believe their home is actually worth 225,000 so what do they do, they run out and take a second mortgage out. Drove me NUTS to where after a few months, I had to get out of it
I will say this, in the era of computer insurance buying, tightening competition, sit down and go thru your declaration pages CLOSELY, especially if you bought via online. If you are a homeowner, make damn sure you know what is in your plan. You get what you pay for and with the internet letting people custom build policies to save money monthly, it's creating a whole new problem, the UNDER insured or the wrongly insured. I had several people run into this. They found out the hard way after custom building their policy online that they only thing they were covered for was structural damage. So when the theft spree happened, guess what, they weren't covered for their property inside the house.......
wow. they just called out the entire 23,000 California National guard to help with the dam. wow
this concludes our lesson for today, besure to turn your homework in by 1159pm if you want credit. :rofl: