Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh yeah, and Chevy guys ALWAYS talk sh*t about how fast their car is...when it's in pieces...

I also like that you keep posting a video of the car that isn't even you driving or even since you owned it...:poke:
I also like that you keep posting a video of the car that isn't even you driving or even since you owned it...:poke:
you are correct - but keep posting? hardly -- all good things come to those who wait - and I've been very patient... hell, at this point I'm the flippin' king of patience..
So I was doing some research. Apparently the 74 dart swingers quarters are in fact 1 inch shorter than the 70-73. Which explains why i have to also extend the trunk floor 1 inch. The reason the trunk lid closes fine with proper gaps even though I didn't mess with that, is due to the recess for the bumper. So I happened to google the part number off the sticker on the quarter than says 72-76, that part number now ties to the 70-72 quarter skin AMD sells and they do not offer a true 74-76 quarter skin.
Chris? Remorse and trying to make amends for poking Mike for so long? I'm stunned!

I'm just messing with Mike like you always have...:)
No just setting him up for the next round hehe
you are correct - but keep posting? hardly -- all good things come to those who wait - and I've been very patient... hell, at this point I'm the flippin' king of patience..
You really need to come to lift day so we can have fun sparring over a couple of beers...ok, a couple of dozen beers...:D
So I was doing some research. Apparently the 74 dart swingers quarters are in fact 1 inch shorter than the 70-73. Which explains why i have to also extend the trunk floor 1 inch. The reason the trunk lid closes fine with proper gaps even though I didn't mess with that, is due to the recess for the bumper. So I happened to google the part number off the sticker on the quarter than says 72-76, that part number now ties to the 70-72 quarter skin AMD sells and they do not offer a true 74-76 quarter skin.
How does AMD advertise it??? I hope they arent seling it as a 74-76 skin.. If they are they need to stop or put up some very large disclaimers stating the issues.
Yep... but you started the game when you said it "still kicks *** the same".

Don't throw down unless you bringing sumpthin' to back it up...LOL! :D
- downloaded
How does AMD advertise it??? I hope they arent seling it as a 74-76 skin.. If they are they need to stop or put up some very large disclaimers stating the issues.
They're advertising it as a 70-72 currently. Keep in mind, I bought this panel almost 3 years ago. So I'm not blaming AMD at all , they seem to have figured out the mistake and corrected it, i just didn't know about it
You really need to come to lift day so we can have fun sparring over a couple of beers...ok, a couple of dozen beers...:D
yea, it MIGHT happen.... - it's hard to both defend myself and NOT sound overly defensive on here... it's all good - but I ain't take no chit either :thumbsup: