Stop in for a cup of coffee

What's wrong with this picture?
Mitch did you see Inkjunkies Tripe thread?
Other then the figurative foot in my mouth and a ton of crap over the years I really have nothing to contribute.
Mitch did you see Inkjunkies Tripe thread?
Other then the figurative foot in my mouth and a ton of crap over the years I really have nothing to contribute.

And I added....
Everyone seems to like Scrapple for breakfast. All it is.... is cornmeal mixed in the juices drained from the pudding meat. The pudding meat is where it is at. You have everything including kidneys and all the facial meat cooked. Once the juice is drained off you season it. I love it with onion cooked in served with pancakes with apple butter on top.

And yes I have cleaned many stomachs as well as Snapping turtles.